.. note::
Note, that this release contains minor backwards incompatible changes. The
changes may affect your existing forms and data. Read the notes below
carefully (UPDATE 2014-12-04: the django-fobi==0.4.2 contains a management
command which makes the necessary changes in the database for safe upgrade).
- The ``captcha`` field has been moved from
``fobi.contrib.plugins.form_elements.fields.captcha`` to
``fobi.contrib.plugins.form_elements.security.captcha``. Make sure to update
the package paths in ``INSTALLED_APPS`` of your projects' settings module
(settings.py) when upgrading to this version.
- The ``honeypot`` field has been added.
- The ``birthday`` field has been renamed to ``date_drop_down`` (A real
``birthday`` field is still to come in later releases). The change causes
backwards incompatibility issues if you have used that ``birthday`` field.
If you haven't - you have nothing to worry. If you have been using it,
grab the 0.3.4 version, copy the
``fobi.contrib.plugins.form_elements.fields.date_drop_down`` package to
your project apps, make necessary path changes and update the package paths
in ``INSTALLED_APPS`` settings module (settings.py) before upgrading to this
version. Then, in Django admin management interface, replace all the
occurrences of ``Birthday`` field with ``Date drop down`` field.
- Better error validation/handling of hidden fields. A new form snippet
template added for displaying the non-field and hidden fields errors. The new
template makes a part of a standard theme as an attribute
- Minor fixes in generic templates.
- An additional property ``is_hidden`` added to the hidden form elements. Those
form elements would be getting a default TextInput widget in the edit mode
instead of the widget they come from by default. It's possible to provide an
alternative widget for the edit mode as well. Default value of the
``is_hidden`` is set to False.