.. note::
This release contains minor backwards incompatible changes.
A number of new database fields have been added to the `FormEntry`
model (`active_date_from`, `active_date_to`, `inactive_page_title`,
`inactive_page_message`). You will need to migrate your database.
- Implement disabling forms based on dates. Note, that although the feature
is landed into the core, contrib packages (such as Foundation 5 theme,
Simple theme, Django CMS admin style theme, DRF integration app,
FeinCMS integration app, Mezzanine integration app, DjangoCMS integration app
and Wagtail app) are not yet updated to reflect these changes. It's a work
in progress to be done in the nearest minor releases. Check the
`issue 143 <https://github.com/barseghyanartur/django-fobi/issues/143>`_
for state of the progress.