
Latest version: v2.2.1

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* ``django-jinja`` dependency is off by default, may be removed in the future.
* ``TemplateContext`` class is used to manage client-side data injection.
* Less dependency on ``DJK_MIDDLEWARE``.
* Templates / selenium test improvements.


* bdist wheel fix.
* PyPi readme fix.


* Dropped Django<=1.10 support. Added Django 2.2 support.
* Dropped IE9..10 support.
* Current request ``.view_title`` is stored in the ``.resolver_match``.
* ``bs_collapse()`` Jinja2 macro supports setting the initial collapse state ('out' / 'in') and Bootstrap card type.
* Implemented ``App.OrderedHooks`` class used to execute ``App.initClientHooks`` in proper order.
* ``grid.js``: cleaned up init / shutdown ``.applyBindings()`` / ``.cleanBindings()`` / ``.runComponent()`` /
``.removeComponent()`` code for ``App.ko.Grid`` and related classes.
* ``grid.js``: Implemented action ``meta_list`` preload.
* Refactored views classes inheritance hierarchy.
* middleware: refactored middleware classes inheritance hierarchy.
* middleware: less intrusive, better compatibility with third party modules.
* middleware: ``.djk_request()``_ ``.djk_view()`` methods are called only for ``DJK_APPS`` views by default.
* middleware : ``json_response()`` shortcut method.
* ``RendererModelForm`` ``.has_saved_instance()`` method to check whether current Django ModelForm has the bound and
saved instance.
* `ListQuerySet`_: implemented ``|`` ``+`` operators.
* ``DjkJSONEncoder``: moved to ``tpl`` module. Encoding improvements.
* Refactored forms module to forms package with base / renderers / validators modules.
* HTTP response related classes / methods are moved to ``http`` module.


* Supports both `Bootstrap 4`_ and `Bootstrap 3`_ via pluggable djk_ui application.
* Default rendering layouts for fields / forms / related forms / inline formsets, which can be customized by providing
custom template or via inheriting from `Renderer`_ class.
* Underscore.js templates support `template attributes merging`_ and `custom tags`_.
* `Nested components`_ and `Sparse components`_.
* `Nested serializer`_.


* Grids (datatables)

* New type of action ``'pagination'``.

* There are two built-in actions of this type implemented: ``'rows_per_page'`` and ``'switch_highlight'``.
* Support of compound columns.
* ``glyphicon`` actions are rendered in the single column of datatable, instead of each action per column.
* Static assets are moved to '/djk' subdirectory, minimizing the risk of conflicts with third party assets.
* Updated to latest versions of Knockout.js / jQuery / Bootstrap 3 (should also work with not-too-old ones).
* `viewmodels`_ AJAX response routing is rewritten as ``App.ViewModelRouter`` class with default instance
``App.vmRouter``. It now supports binding viewmodel handlers to Javascript class instances methods.
* Optional built-in Javascript error logger.
* ``App.NestedList`` internally used by ``App.renderNestedList`` for greater flexibility of client-side Javascript
nested lists rendering. ``App.NestedList`` now supports ordered maps via ``_.ODict`` instances.
* Ajax forms submitting is refactored into ``App.AjaxForm`` class, while setting up the ajax forms is performed by
* ``App.readyInstances`` introduced for global client-side IoC, available in custom user scripts as well.
* Knockout.js method subscription / unsubscription is placed into ``App.ko.Subscriber`` mixin class.
* ``focus`` binding is implemented for Knockout.js.
* Request mock-up when running without web server allows reverse resolving of FQN urls in console management commands
and in background celery tasks via `reverseq()`_ calls when sites framework is correctly set up.
* ``ast_eval`` template tag.
* Headless Chrome Selenium webdriver support.


* ``ActionsView`` with ``App.Actions`` client-side counterpart implements AJAX viewmodels routing to create generic AJAX
actions / responses. It is now used as base foundation for ``App.ModelFormDialog`` / ``ModelFormActionsView`` and with
knockout datatables actions (see `modelFormAction`_ method).
* ``ModelFormActionsView`` with ``App.ModelFormActions`` client-side counterpart allows to use Django forms / inline
formsets with AJAX-powered BootstrapDialog via ``App.EditForm`` / ``App.EditInline`` client-side components.
* Selective skipping of ``DisplayText`` field widget rendering via setting ``skip_output`` property in
``get_text_method`` callback.
* Do not bind ``App.ko.Formset`` to display-only ``bs_inline_formsets()`` generated forms with inline formsets.
* Knockout grids (datatables) ``'button_footer'`` built-in action type.
* `djk_seed`_ Django management command.
* ``App.renderNestedList`` supports rendering of ``jQuery`` objects values.
* ``App.TabPane`` supports hiding / dynamic content loading of bootstrap 3 panes.
* ``App.Dialog`` is now closable by default. ``App.Dialog`` now can be run as component.
* ``html`` and ``replaceWith`` viewmodels applies ``App.initClient`` hooks, also works correctly with viewmodel ``.html``
content that is not wrapped into top tags.
* Implemented ``App.propByPath`` which is now used to load Javascript object specified for ``App.renderNestedList`` as
``options.blockTags`` string. That allows to pass Javascript path string as ``options.blockTags`` via server-side AJAX
``App.Dialog`` class, ``'alert'`` / ``'alert_error'`` viewmodels supports this functionality when ``message`` option
has ``object`` type value.
* ``App.objByPath`` / ``App.newClassByPath`` is used by ``App.Tpl`` class factories.
* ``App.ko.Grid.iocKoFilter_*`` methods now are orthogonal thus are easier to override.
* Grid dialogs default hotkeys (``Escape``, ``Enter``).
* ``widgets.PrefillWidget`` - field widget to prefill form input value from bootstrap 3 dropdown menu. `ListQuerySet`_
now has ``prefill_choices()`` method, which may provide prefill values for the form field from db field list of values.
* ``.badge.btn-*`` CSS classes which can be used to wrap long text in bootstrap buttons.
* Separate ``admin.js`` script to enable client-side of ``OptionalWidget`` in django admin.
* ``App.ko.Grid`` actions ``meta`` / ``list`` / ``meta_list`` first requests passing HTTP POST ``firstLoad`` variable to
detect the initial grid datatable action at server-side in `KoGridView`_ derived class.
* Fixed selection of all current page grid datatable rows at multiple grid datatable pages.
* `plugins.js`_: ```` to get multiple DOM ids, ``_.moveOptions()`` to move options with possible default
values. ``highlightListUrl`` jQuery function bugfixes.
* `tooltips.js`_: ``form_error`` viewmodel handler, used to display AJAX forms validation errors now has the diagnostic
for missing ``auto_id`` values and better support for multiple error messages per field.
* `contenttypes`_: Create content types / user groups / user permissions / Django model migration seeds. For the example
of seeds, see `djk_seed`_ Django management command.
* ``FormWithInlineFormsets`` supports form auto_id prefix and optional customizable form / formset constructor kwargs.
* ``json_validators`` module is renamed into `validators`_, which implements generic ``ViewmodelValidator`` class to
validate AJAX submitted form input and to return error viewmodels when needed.
* ``DjkJSONEncoder`` serializes lazy strings to prevent json serialization errors.
* ``BaseSeleniumCommands`` logs browser errors.
* `tpl`_ module reworked and expanded. Nested lists use common class ``PrintList``. Implemented ``json_flatatt()`` and
``format_html_attrs()`` functions which work like built-in Django ``flatatt()`` and ``format_html()`` but automatically
convert list / dict types of arguments into html attributes and / or JSON strings.
* Many bugfixes.

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