.. important::
If you generated ``MoneyField`` migrations in the previous series 3.4.x, you may have to manually edit subsequent migrations. Please share your successful approaches in :github-issue:`731`.
- Revert 3.4 patch, meaning that auto-generated CurrencyField is once again part of migrations :github-issue:`731` (:github-user:`benjaoming`)
- django-rest-framework: MinMoneyValidator and MaxMoneyValidator fixed, may require default_currency defined :github-issue:`722` (:github-user:`hosamhamdy258` :github-user:`errietta` :github-user:`benjaoming`)
- Django 5.0 support :github-issue:`753` (:github-user:`benjaoming`)
- Official support for Django 2.2, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1 :github-issue:`753` (:github-user:`benjaoming`)