- Currency exchange :github-issue:`385` (:github-user:`Stranger6667`)
- Support for ``django-money-rates`` :github-issue:`385` (:github-user:`Stranger6667`)
- Deprecated ``Money.__float__`` which is implicitly called on some ``sum()`` operations :github-issue:`347`. (:github-user:`jonashaag`)
Migration from django-money-rates
The new application is a drop-in replacement for ``django-money-rates``.
To migrate from ``django-money-rates``:
- In ``INSTALLED_APPS`` replace ``djmoney_rates`` with ``djmoney.contrib.exchange``
- Set ``OPEN_EXCHANGE_RATES_APP_ID`` setting with your app id
- Run ``python manage.py migrate``
- Run ``python manage.py update_rates``
For more information, look at ``Working with Exchange Rates`` section in README.