
Latest version: v4.20.0

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* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 109 dev.

New features:

- ``ch-prefers-reduced-motion``
- ``compute-pressure``
- ``direct-sockets``
- ``unload``

Removed features:

- ``ch-partitioned-cookies``



* Add async support to the middleware, to reduce overhead on async views.



* Support Python 3.11.

* Support Django 4.1.



* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 104 dev.

New features:

- ``bluetooth``
- ``ch-save-data``
- ``local-fonts``

* Restore ``interest-cohort`` feature and recommend disabling it in README.
The original API, FLoC, was removed from Chrome, but there’s a replacement proposal `The Topics API <>`__.
The proposal states that the ``interest-cohort`` feature will be recognized to disable it.



* Drop support for Django 2.2, 3.0, and 3.1.



* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 100 dev.

New features:

- ``ch-partitioned-cookies``

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