
Latest version: v4.20.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 94 dev.

New features:

- ``ch-ua-bitness``
- ``ch-ua-reduced``

* Add type hints.



* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 92 dev.

New features:

- ``attribution-reporting``
- ``ch-prefers-color-scheme``
- ``shared-autofill``
- ``window-placement``

Removed features:

- ``conversion-tracking``



* Improve setup instructions.



* Rename the package from ``django-feature-policy`` to
``django-permissions-policy`` and the module name from
``django_feature_policy`` to ``django_permissions_policy`` accordingly.

* Stop sending the ``Feature-Policy`` header. Chrome now logs warnings if it is
sent alongside ``Permissions-Policy``.

* Remove support for the legacy setting name ``FEATURE_POLICY`` and the old
middleware alias ``FeaturePolicyMiddleware``.

* Stop distributing tests to reduce package size. Tests are not intended to be
run outside of the tox setup in the repository. Repackagers can use GitHub's
tarballs per tag.



* Updated to the latest set of features from Chrome 91 dev.

New features:

- ``conversion-measurement``
- ``interest-cohort``
- ``otp-credentials``

Removed features:

- ``document-write``
- ``downloads``
- ``forms``
- ``modals``
- ``orientation-lock``
- ``pointer-lock``
- ``popups``
- ``presentation``
- ``scripts``
- ``sync-script``
- ``top-navigation``



* Support Django 3.2.

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