* :class:`~dockermap.map.client.MappingDockerClient` now wraps all exceptions so that partial results, i.e. actions that
already have been performed on clients. It raises a :class:`~dockermap.map.exceptions.ActionRunnerException`, which
provides information about the client and action performed, partial results through
:meth:`~dockermap.exceptions.PartialResultsMixin.results`, but also the possibility to re-trigger the original
traceback using :meth:`~dockermap.exceptions.SourceExceptionMixin.reraise`.
* Similarly, direct calls to the utility client :class:`~dockermap.client.base.DockerClientWrapper`, such as
:meth:`~dockermap.client.docker_util.DockerUtilityMixin.cleanup_containers` now return a
* Added :meth:`~dockermap.map.client.MappingDockerClient.signal` method to client.
* Images have been integrated into the dependency resolution. Images of a container and all of its dependencies can
now be pulled with the new command :meth:`~dockermap.map.client.MappingDockerClient.pull_images`.
* Authentication information for the Docker registry can now be added to
:attr:`dockermap.map.config.client.ClientConfiguration.auth_configs` and are considered during login and image pull
* Added a built-in group ``__all__``, that applies to all containers or even all configured maps on
* Several adaptions which makes it easier for programs and libraries using the API to evaluate changes.
* More fixes to image dependency check, so that
:meth:`~dockermap.client.docker_util.DockerUtilityMixin.cleanup_images` now works reliably. Removals can also be
forced where applicable.
* Implemented CLI, missing from 0.8.0b1.
* Various bugfixes from 0.8.0b1.