* Added ``version`` method to command line generator.
* Internal refactoring: Moved configuration elements to individual modules. If you get any import errors from this
update, please check if you are using convenience imports such as ``from dockermap.api import ContainerMap`` instead
of the modules where the classes are implemented.
* Fixed ``ContainerMap.containers`` attribute access to work as documented.
.. note::
The default iteration behavior has also changed. Similar to ``ContainerMap.host`` and ``ContainerMap.volumes``, it
generates items. Before iteration was returning keys, as usual for dictionaries.
* Fixes for use of alternative client implementations (e.g. CLI,
`Issue 12 <https://github.com/merll/docker-map/issues/12>`_).
* Fixed ``link`` argument for command line generator (`Issue 13 <https://github.com/merll/docker-map/issues/13>`_).
* Added replacement for invalid characters in generated host names
(`Issue 15 <https://github.com/merll/docker-map/issues/15>`_).