- Bugfixes
- Fixed errors in TRDI reader that caused ensembles to be skipped
- Variables found from NMEA data now all contain _gps tag
- Calculate VMDAS and WinRiver sampling frequency from diff of time coordinate
- Fixed bug that dropped shared but differing "lag" coordinate between auto-covariance
and cross-covariance functions
- Fix duty cycle attributes for some Nortek instruments
- Fix bug where 'accel' variable was rotated incorrectly in `correct_motion`
- Fix bug where ADV IMU variables could not be rotated to beam coordinates
- API/Useability
- Added the ability for the TRDI reader to search for the VMDAS navigation header
manually and determine which slot (nb vs bb) that VMDAS is saved in - Thank you jklymak!
- Clarified VMDAS navigation block variable names
- Added ability to read WinRiver2 NMEA data (GGA, VTG, HDT, DBT)
- Added ability to read TRDI 5th beam altimeter data
- Added ability to read RiverPro/StreamPro surface layer profile
- Updated TRDI attribute names
- Debugging readers now uses logging module
- Add 'fill_nan_ensemble_mean' function to ADV cleaning methods
- Spectra frequency coordinate name is set to 'freq', whether using radial (rad/s) or
classical (Hz) frequency units instead of 'omega' and 'f', respectively
- `correct_motion` is now capable of processing data from duty-cycled ADVs
- `CalcMotion` class is changed from private to public