- Refactored source code to use xarray instead of h5py-derived data objects
- Input/Output:
- I/O now returns xarray Datasets
- Variables names are now consistent across all instruments
- Rotation and orientation matrices are all saved as xarray variables
- Created functions to handle saving/loading dolfyn datasets to/from netCDF and MATLAB file formats
- It is possible to open dolfyn datasets using `xarray.open_dataset()`,
but not possible to save through` xarray.to_netcdf()`
- Scaling bugs:
- Fixed AWAC temperature scaling
- Fixed scaling on all `ambig_vel` variables
- Fixed Signature magnetometer to return in units of microTeslas
- Fixed Nortek echosounder 'dB' scaling
- Fixed error in Nortek 'range' calculation (bin 1 dist = blank dist + cell size)
- Added function in the ADCP API to add the deployment depth to this range (`clean.set_deploy_altitude()`)
- Rounded Nortek AWAC blanking distance and range to 2 decimal places
- Read support for 2-4 beam
- Fix error reading VMDAS-processed files
- Switch from `'lonlat` to `latlon` as the designated entry-name in `dat.attrs`
- Created function to handle nans in ADV orientation matrix data so that rotation code won't fail
- Removed user-nonsensical configuration data
- Changed true/false attributes to 1/0 - Logical values are auto-dropped when saving netCDF
- Rotations:
- `rotate2()`, `set_inst2head_rotmat()`, `calc_principal_heading()`, and `set_declination()` now
located in `rotate.api` and can be accessed using `dolfyn.<function>`
- Solved errors where orientation wasn't taken into account for Nortek Signatures
- Fixed Nortek Signature rotation issues for fixed up vs down
- Fixed AHRS-equipped Nortek Signature rotation issues
- AHRS orientmat is the transpose of dolfyn's HPR-calculated orientation matrix
- Motion correction code:
- `CorrectMotion` object has been removed
- replaced '.mean()' with `np.nanmean()` in `motion_correction()` and `calc_principal_heading()`
- `TimeData`, `Velocity`, `TKEdata`:
- `TimeData` class has been removed
- Combined `Velocity` and `TKEdata` classes into `Velocity`, which now contains all dolfyn shortcuts
- `Velocity` class is set up with xarray accessor `Veldata`
- All properties return `xarray.DataArrays`
- Added a property to calculate wavenumber `k` from the spectral frequency vector
- TimeBinner, VelBinner, TurbBinner class refactoring:
- Changed `.mean()` to `np.nanmean()` so functions can handle nans
- `TurbBinner` renamed to `ADVBinner` and set in the ADV API
- Renamed `calc_vel_psd()` and `calc_vel_csd()` to `calc_psd()` and `calc_csd()`
- Fixed bug where `calc_vel_csd()` wasn't using "n_fft_coh" input
- Added "freq_units" option to `calc_psd()` and `calc_csd()` using either frequency in Hz (f) or
rad/s (omega) ("freq_units" input)
- Renamed `calc_omega()` to `calc_freq()` and added "freq_units" as input
- Calling `TurbBinner`/`calc_turbulence()` still automatically use 'rad/s'
- FFT frequency "omega"|"f" is now a xarray coordinate rather than its own variable
- "do" functions take Datasets as input, "calc" funtions take DataArrays as input
- Updated `U_dir` description to be CCW from East (consistent with imag vs real axes)
- Added `convert_degrees()` function in tools.misc to convert CCW from East to CW from North, and
vice versa
- Renamed `sigma_Uh` variable to `U_std` and moved it from adv.turbulence to velocity.VelBinner as
a function in `do_avg()`
- Renamed properties `Ecoh` to `E_coh` and `Itke` to `I_tke`
- Removed `Itke_thresh` from `TurbBinner` and added to `Velocity` class as it is only used with the
`I_tke` property
- Coherence, phase_angle, and auto-/cross-covariance now work as described in their docstrings
- Will take 1D or 3D velocity arrays as input
- Renamed `cohere()` and `phase_angle()` to `calc_coh()` and `calc_phase_angle()`
- Fixed bug where `tools.psd.coherence` wasn't correctly calling `tools.psd.cpsd` or
- Updated turbulence dissipation functions return correctly for xarray
- Fixed `calc_turbulence()` '__call__' error
- Removed inputs not used by `calc_turbulence()` and `ADVBinner` function call ('omega_range'
and 'out_type')
- These are stored in `turbulence.py` in the ADV API
- LT83 or TE01 methods can take either the 1D or 3D velocity arrays as input
- if 3D velocity given as input
- 'LT83' returns 3D dissipation rate
- 'TE01' natively returns the averaged dissipation rate
- SF method only can handle single array at a time
- Cleaning code:
- ADV cleaning functions now return a logical mask to mark bad data
- `clean_fill()` function takes this mask as input, removes bad data, and interpolates it
- Added `surface_from_P()` and `correlation_filter()` functions to ADP cleaning functions
- ADP `fillgaps_time()` and `fillgaps_depth()` and ADV `clean_fill()` use xarray's `na_interpolate()`
to fill in bad data.
- Time:
- Removed mpltime support and changed to epoch time (seconds since 1970/1/1 00:00:00)
- Solved bug where unaware timestamp would convert to different times depending on working computer timezone
- Instrument time remains in the timezone in which it was logged by the instrument, no matter the timezone
of the user analyzing the data
- Added code to convert between epoch time <-> datetime <-> datestring, MATLAB datenum conversion functions
- Testing updates:
- Added check signature velocity rotations against nortek matfiles
- Dropped testing for python 2.x because xarray doesn't support it
- Verified xarray output against h5py-based source code
- Updated test data to handle changes in source code
- Testing folders not included in setup.py
- Increased testing coverage to 90%
- Updated documentation to build off 'make html' in command prompt