Changed - Renamed --noQualityFiltering to --ignoreGenomeQuality - Changed some things around to satisfy pandas deprication warnings
Fixed - Fixed bug where Mash dendrogram labels were scrambled if a big list of genomes was used (thanks brymerr921) - Fixed typos (thanks AstrobioMike!)
Added - Added the --set_recursion option for filter to handle dendropy errors
Changed - WorkDirectory now loads databases in a way that makes more sense for large tables - Some extra caching debug options - Some commented out memory stuff - Mash comparisons are now actually multithreaded (thanks mruehlemann) - Throws an error if run with python2
Changed - RAM optimization with regards to loading Mash table - Pickle protocol 4 to allow storage of larger clusterings - Increased debug tools
Changed - use threading instead of multiprocessing. This should significantly help with RAM utilization of large genome lists - Added some extra debug options