
Latest version: v0.13.3

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New Features

- Add `PayloadCompressingSession`, a `requests.Session` subclass that adds support for payload compression on the fly to `dwave.cloud.api.client.DWaveAPIClient`.

See [\654](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/654).

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- Support compression of QPU problem data on upload in `SolverAPIClient` and `api.Problems` via `compress_qpu_problem_data` config option.

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- More robust `Client.close()`.

Client use after close is now disabled. An attempt to submit a problem, poll for a status, or download an answer will now result in an `UseAfterCloseError` exception.

Also, solvers and computations now only weakly reference the client, so they don't block client resources cleanup.

See [\217](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/217).

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- Disable client use while `Client.close()` is in progress by failing with `UseAfterCloseError`. Also, make sure the close operation is thread-safe.

A follow-up to [\680](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/680).

Upgrade Notes

- Remove `Client.session`, an undocumented and unused client attribute. If still needed, can be replaced with `Client.create_session()`.


New Features

- Add Python 3.13 support.

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- Add `--raw` output mode to get-token CLI commands. See [\598](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/598).

Upgrade Notes

- Remove support for dimod 0.9.x. Upgrade dimod to 0.10.0+. See [\595](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/595).

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- Upgrade your python to 3.9+. We no longer support python 3.8 and below.

Deprecation Notes

- Client utility function `dwave.cloud.coders.bqm_as_file()` is deprecated in favor of `dimod.BQM.to_file()` (available in dimod 0.10.0+) and will be removed in dwave-cloud-client 0.15.0.

Bug Fixes

- Update sample set creation in `dwave.cloud.computation.Future` to support dimod 0.12.18+. Previously, `wait_id()` method used to be added to the `from_future`-created sample sets in the cloud-client, and now the `SampleSet` interface propagates `wait_id` from the future by default. See [dimod\1392](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dimod/issues/1392) and [dwave-system\#540](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-system/issues/540).


New Features

- Configuration constants like default region and default API endpoints are now available in a new module `dwave.cloud.config.constants`.

Configuration-related exceptions are now available in a new module `dwave.cloud.config.exceptions`.

`dwave.cloud.config` module (with submodules) is now free from dependencies on other submodules, and it's safe to be imported in any cloud-client context.

Deprecation Notes

- Use of `dwave.cloud.api.constants` to access default configuration constants is deprecated in `dwave-cloud-client==0.13.1` in favor of a new config module `dwave.cloud.config.constants`, and will be disabled in `dwave-cloud-client==0.14.0`.

Bug Fixes

- Fix a circular import error. See [\669](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/669).


New Features

- Enable QPU problem data compression on upload using `deflate` content encoding.

Compression is controlled with a new config option, `compress_qpu_problem_data`, defaulting to true, and it can be turned off either in config file or via `Client()` kwarg. See [\622](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/622).

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- Add long polling as problem status/answer polling strategy.

We add the following config options: `poll_strategy` (`"backoff"` is the current default, `"long-polling"` is the new strategy), `poll_wait_time`, and `poll_pause`. See [\648](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/648).

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- Add `timeout` keyword argument to `api.resources.Problems.get_problem_status()` and `api.resources.Problems.get_problem_statuses()` methods.

Use it to enable long polling on problem status API endpoint. The connection is closed (server-side) when at least one problem completes, or the `timeout` (in seconds) elapses, whatever comes first. See [\649](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/649).

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- Add support for retrieving filtered solver configuration to `dwave.cloud.api.resources.Solvers` methods. See [\644](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/644).

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- Add API response caching support to `dwave.cloud.api` interface. Cache is validated using a conditional request based on `ETag`. See [\645](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/645).

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- Poll for problem-status update using long-polling strategy by default. See [\662](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/662).

Long-polling strategy enables faster status-change propagation to the client, especially for longer jobs, or during heavy QPU usage.

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- Speed-up function calls that dispatch events by short-circuiting the dispatch in case no event handlers are registered. See [\660](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/660).

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- Add `timeout` keyword argument to `api.resources.Problems.get_problem()` method.

Use it to enable long polling on problem fetch API endpoint. The connection is closed (server-side) when the problem completes, or the `timeout` (in seconds) elapses, whatever comes first. In case problem completed in time, problem answer is returned in addition to problem status (which is always returned). See [\657](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/657).

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- Enable regions metadata API cache control in `dwave.cloud.regions.get_regions()` by switching to `api.Regions` built-in caching session. See [\647](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/647).

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- Speed-up JSON encoding and decoding by switching to `orjson`. See [\423](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/423).

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- Parse `Cache-Control` header field if present in API response, and use it to guide local caching policy.

This means `dwave.cloud.api.DWaveAPIClient` and `dwave.cloud.api.resource` classes now respect origin server response caching policy. See [\646](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/646).

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- Cache solver metadata on disk, using conditional requests for cache validation (update).

Static and dynamic parts of solver metadata are fetched and stored separately, to enable efficient caching.

See [\613](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/613).

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- Lazily import `Client`/`Solver`/`Future` in the top-level namespace, `dwave.cloud`. Direct imports are preferred, e.g. `from dwave.cloud.client import Client`, but the widely-used way (`from dwave.cloud import Client`) is still supported for backwards compatibility.

Similarly we now lazily import old namespaces with client type as submodule, e.g. `dwave.cloud.qpu`.

The main benefit of such lazy imports is import performance, as "heavy" symbols are only imported when explicitly needed/asked for. See [\643](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/643).

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- Speed-up imports by slightly decoupling submodules. See [\643](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/643).

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- Speed-up `dwave.cloud.utils.qubo.active_qubits` utility function by ~50%, and `dwave.cloud.coders.encode_problem_as_qp` by 20-30%. See [\661](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/661).

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- Speed-up QPU problem sampling when problem submitted as BQM by 40%. For best performance, keep linear and quadratic biases in `dict`s. See [\661](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/661).

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- Cache dynamic solver metadata for up to 15 minutes, unless defined differently by API cache control response header. See [\663](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/663).

Upgrade Notes

- Short polling with exponential backoff is not used by default anymore, but it is still available. If for some reason you want to use it, set:

poll_strategy = backoff

configuration parameter in your config file, or the keyword argument in calls to `Client()` or `Client.from_config()`. See [\662](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/662).

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- Config attributes previously available directly on `Client` instance, deprecated in `dwave-cloud-client==0.11.0`, are removed in `dwave-cloud-client==0.13.0`.

Use config model (`dwave.cloud.config.models.ClientConfig`) available as `Client.config` to access client configuration instead.

Path to most attributes translates directly. For example, `Client.region` is now available as `Client.config.region`. One attribute has been renamed (`Client.default_solver` is now `Client.config.solver`), and all `Client.poll_*` config options are consolidated under `Client.config.polling_schedule.*`. Similarly `Client.http_retry_*` options are now available under `Client.config.request_retry.*`. See [\664](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/664).

Deprecation Notes

- `dwave.cloud.utils.coders.NumpyEncoder` is deprecated and will be removed in `dwave-cloud-client==0.14.0`. Use `orjson.dumps()` with `OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY` option instead. See [\652](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/652).

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- Shorthand import paths for specialized Clients (for `qpu`, `sw` and `hybrid`) are deprecated in `dwave-cloud-client==0.12.2` and will be removed in `dwave-cloud-client==0.14.0`. Instead, use the full import path, e.g. `from dwave.cloud.client.qpu import Client`, instead of `from dwave.cloud.qpu import Client`. See [\643](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/643).

Bug Fixes

- Defer SQLite connect in `cached.ondisk()` until actually needed. Also, verify cache thread/process-safety and forking support. See [\642](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/642).

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- Fix `get_cache_dir()` to not create the cache directory by default. Creation is now optional and controlled with `create` argument. This makes it consistent with other config path functions. See [\642](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/642).

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- Fix possible race condition during cache directory create. See [homebase\37](https://github.com/dwavesystems/homebase/issues/37), [\#642](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/642).

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- During solver metadata filtering, treat solver `status` as a dynamic field. This is to handle an edge case when solver is marked `offline`, but it's still available via API. See [\663](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/pull/663).


New Features

- Add some basic benchmarks (use airspeed velocity/asv).

- Add `dwave.cloud.testing.mocks.hybrid_cqm_solver_data()`, a mock metadata generator for the CQM hybrid solver.

- Add `dwave.cloud.coders.decode_qp_problem`, a decoder of quadratic unconstrained binary problems in SAPI's `"qp"` format.

- Add `qpu_zephyr_solver_data` generator for mock QPU solvers with Zephyr topology.

Bug Fixes

- Update `dwave.cloud.testing.mocks.hybrid_*_solver_data()` generators to include the full list of solver properties (albeit with mock/dummy values).

- Fix a regression bug introduced during utils module refactor and keep using `importlib_metadata` for `entry_points()` access. See [\631](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/631).


Upgrade Notes

- `dwave.cloud.utils` module has been split into the following submodules: `dwave.cloud.utils.cli`, `dwave.cloud.utils.coders`, `dwave.cloud.utils.decorators`, `dwave.cloud.utils.dist`, `dwave.cloud.utils.exception`, `dwave.cloud.utils.http`, `dwave.cloud.utils.logging`, `dwave.cloud.utils.qubo`, and `dwave.cloud.utils.time`.

First reason for doing this was code clean-up (including adding type annotations), but a more important reason is that this will enable import time optimization in the future. And that's why we break backwards compatibility by not importing everything back into the top-level utils namespace.

The utils module is considered Ocean-internal as is, so this move shouldn't affect user's code.

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- Positional arguments in `dwave.cloud.Client` constructor, deprecated in 0.10.0, are removed in 0.12.0. Use keyword arguments instead.

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- Alias keys `samples` and `occurrences` (for `solutions` and `num_occurrences`) in the results dict of `dwave.cloud.computation.Future.result()`, deprecated in 0.8.0, are now finally removed in 0.12.0. We'll try to keep the result dict as close to raw data returned by SAPI as possible. Postprocessed data is instead available via `dwave.cloud.computation.Future` properties.

New Features

- Add support for `binary-ref` answer encoding format, where answer data is not immediately present in the answer, but on an URI referenced in the answer response.

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- Add `dwave.cloud.computation.Future.answer_data` property to hold the answer data of a resolved future. A call to `.answer_data` will block until computation future is resolved.

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- Add `dwave.cloud.api.models.UnstructuredProblemAnswerBinaryRef` model, a subclass of `ProblemAnswer` for `binary-ref` answers, and a method for downloading answer data (resolving binary-ref), `dwave.cloud.api.resources.Problems.get_answer_data`.

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- Add support for nonlinear unstructured solvers with `dwave.cloud.solver.NLSolver`.

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- Add request/response logging to `AuthFlow`/`OAuth2Session`.

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- Add basic support for structured logs (JSON output).

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- Enable log format control with `DWAVE_LOG_FORMAT` env variable (set to `"json"` for structured output.

Bug Fixes

- Fix a possible race condition when multiple threads try to resolve remote computation results. A special case of this occurs on binary answer download from a reference link. See [\624](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-cloud-client/issues/624).

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- Log failing request/response details in the low-level API client.

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- Suppress logging output from the cloud-client by default (as recommended for libraries).

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- Format log record date/time according to ISO 8601.

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