- `dwave.cloud.computation.Future.sampleset` is now non-blocking, and the `info` field includes `problem_id`
Fixes ---
- `StructuredSolver.sample_bqm` was doubling quadratic biases, it doesn't any more (368) - some doctests were failing, and now they don't
Not secure
New Features ---
- `dwave ping` now supports `--sampling-params` argument(s) - `dwave solvers` now supports listing `--all` solvers independent of solver definition used in config - `dwave install` now available for contrib packages install - `dwave setup` introduced to combine `dwave install` and `dwave config create` - Unstructured solvers will now upload problems prior to sampling by default (using multi-part upload) - `Future.wait_id` can now be used to block until the submission ID becomes available (i.e. problem is queued) - Problem answers can now be downloaded from a "cold" session via `Client.retrieve_answer`
Changes ---
- Dropped Python 2 support - Legacy config format deprecated - Default client class used in config is now "base"
Not secure
New Features ---
- Event subsystem in `dwave.cloud.events` to enable external data capture (early preview)
Fixes ---
- Allow `RawIOBase` for file-like input object in `GettableFile`
Not secure
New Features ---
- Multipart problem upload, resilient to network failures, with cold restart (326) - By-ref problem submit to unstructured solvers (327) - CLI command for problem upload: `dwave upload` - Accept custom external HTTP headers in config/env var/`Client` constructor/factory (334) - Better external log level control (336)
Fixes ---
- Thread-safe `requests.Session`s (182) - Solver graph respected in `dwave ping` on structured solvers (332) - Correct error handling in `dwave ping` on unstructured solvers (329)