This version includes bug fixes for extracting b0 volumes for qsiprep, xnattagger dependency upgrade, and making the workdir session specific.
This release includes an automatic singularity bind of the freesurfer license file, path to the output directories for prequal and qsiprep, and path to the tempdir (scratch dir). There are also some other minor bug fixes.
Users with older singularity versions can now run the pipeline.
This release of dwiqc includes a much more flexible approach to various diffusion study designs.
This is part 1 of an overhaul of the process mode functionality. Prequal now works with new get mode configuration. Much more portable/flexible.
Get mode now depends more heavily on the user providing a somewhat detailed config file. By virtue of that, there's not nearly as much hard-coded functionality and it can handle lots of different scan/tagging conventions.