This minor version updates adds functionality to generate UMM-Var records from
the variables contained in a VarInfo instance.
This version also a minor bug fix in the VariableFromNetCDF4 class where
attributes with a value of 1.0 were being returned with a value of True.
UMM-Var attributes currently mapped from metadata attributes:
* Name (required)
* LongName (required)
* Definition (required)
* MetadataSpecification (required) - currently v1.8.2.
* StandardName
* DataType
* Dimensions (see below for more information)
* Units
* FillValues
* Scale
* Offset
* ValidRanges
Dimension types currently supported are `TIME_DIMENSION`, `LATITUDE_DIMENSION`,
`LONGITUDE_TIME` and `OTHER`. Future improvements to sds-varinfo will add
heuristics to identify depth dimensions. In addition, the size of each
dimension can currently only be determined for VariableFromNetCDF4 instances.
Variables parsed from DMR files do not currently contain the required
information for dimension size, and are set to a size of "Varies".
Additional functionality will be required for VariableType and VariableSubType.
In support of UMM-Var JSON output, functionality has also been added to export
either a single record or a list of records to JSON files on-disk. These
functions are `export_umm_var_to_json` and `export_all_umm_var_to_json`,