This version of `earthdata-varinfo` adds functionality to publish records to
CMR, along with a single overarching function that wraps the search, download
and publication functionality into a single function for the convenience of the
end-user. Additionally, the function signatures for `cmr_search.get_granules`
and `cmr_search.download_granule` have been updated to accept the full
`Authorization` header, instead of a bearer token, so that they are also
compatible with LaunchPad tokens.
* `generate_umm_var.generate_collection_umm_var` is designed to be a single
call for local workflows to find appropriate granules for a collection,
download them, parse them and generate UMM-Var JSON, which can be optionally
published to CMR.
* `umm_var.publish_umm_var` ingests a single UMM-Var entry to CMR
* `umm_var.publish_all_umm_var` ingests all of the UMM-Var entries from a given
collection to CMR