------------ * add: ortho_look_at() function to map 3d point to 2d * add: isometric_projection() function to map 3d point to 2d from 45degree view port
------------ * add: press ctrl+shift+alt+F10 will create a snapshot of the graphics window. The snapshot is saved in the running folder. * change: close turtle window will automatically close the animation of turtle moving.
----------- * add: fps settings in easygraphics.processing module * update: translations * change: easygraphics.processing module now use functions in easygraphics modules to draw. (Remove duplication defines.)
----------- * fix: hangs in inactive shell when init_graph again after close_graph()
----------- * add: color_gray() function. * change: change lines/polylines/polygon functions parameters * add: curve() / draw_curve() to draw Catmull-Rom splines. * add: curve_vertex() to define curve vertices. * fix: crash when close_graph() and init_graph() again
------------ * change: reimplement close_graph(), simplifies graphics window close event processing. * add: add begin_shape()/vertex()/bezier_vertex()/quadratic_vertex()/end_shape() functions to easygraphics.