* add begin_recording()/add_record()/save_recording()/end_recording() to create animated png files.
* add ShapeMode consts
* add set_ellipse_mode() and set_rect_mode() to Image class
* add easygraphics.processing module
* fix: Image's save_settings()/restore_settings() now save most settings.
* update: ellipse_mode apply to arc/chord/pie shape drawings.
* add quadratic()/draw_quadratic() function to Image class and easygraphics.processing subpackage
* add begin_shape()/vertex()/bezier_vertex()/quadratic_vertex()/end_shape() function to Image class and easygraphics.processing subpackage
* change: bezier()/draw_bezier now use seperate coordinate values as paramter instead of list.
* add VertexType consts
* add: begin_shape() 's type parameter
* add: end_shape()'s close parameter
* fix: succesive dialog calls may crash the program
* add: fill_image() function to Image class