- `default_timezone`, `force_timezone`, `remove_timezone` for DateTimeField.
- `default_timezone`, `force_timezone` for DateField.
- Add attribute `inject_default_on_partial_update`.
- Allow factories overwriting field methods.
- Deep embedding via embed_parent possible.
- Support for nearly all async sqlalchemy drivers plus more from databasez.
- `get_default_values` has now an extra keyword argument `is_update`
- `meta.fields_mapping` was renamed to `meta.fields`.-
- Factories have now different named configuration variables.
- Refactoring of fields and models:
- BaseModelType and BaseFieldType are now added and should be used for typings.
- `get_column` works now via extractor.
- Renamed internals.
- Splitted model_references and column values extraction.
- Comparisons of models use now only primary keys.
- Deprecate on model forwards signals, fields. Use now meta.signals, meta.fields.
- execsync (nearly no uses).
- DateParser mixin (superseeded by sqlalchemy's logic).
- `auto_now` and `auto_now_add` now also work for date fields.
- `BinaryField` had a wrong type.
- Metaclasses with keyword arguments are now possible.
- Relaxed Prefetching, tables can now appear multiple times.
- `select_related` now correctly filters columns.