
Latest version: v0.27.0

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- `DecimalField` definition raising unknown constraint `max_digits`.
- DeclarativeModel generating internal mappings names was breaking for class objects.



- **Multi tenancy support** by updating the registry and allowing to create the multi schema.
- Add new `using(schema=...)` and `using_with_db(database=..., schema=...)` to querysets.
- Add support for `create_schema` and `drop_schema` via registry.
- Add support to `get_default_schema` from the `registry.schema`.
- Documentation for [tenancy](https://edgy.tarsild.io/tenancy/edgy.md).
- Improved the documentation for [schemas](https://edgy.tarsild.io/registry.md#schemas).
- Added a new parameter `extra` to registry allowing to pass a Dict like object containing more database connections. This is an alternative to the registries.
- Improved documentation for [registry](https://edgy.tarsild.io/registry.md#extra) explaining how to use the extra parameters.
and query them.


- Update the `build` for `Model` and `ReflectModel` to allow passing the schema.


- Registry `metaclass` wasn't reflecting 100% the schema being passed into the metadata and therefore, querying the database public schema.



- [RefForeignKey](https://edgy.tarsild.io/reference-foreignkey.md). A model reference where it can create sub objects from the main object directly.
- Performance enhancements in general.


- The way fields are evaluated and caching for the `__model_reference__` fields.


Key features

* **Model inheritance** - For those cases where you don't want to repeat yourself while maintaining
intregity of the models.
* **Abstract classes** - That's right! Sometimes you simply want a model that holds common fields
that doesn't need to created as a table in the database.
* **Meta classes** - If you are familiar with Django, this is not new to you and Edgy offers this
in the same fashion.
* **Managers** - Versatility at its core, you can have separate managers for your models to optimise
specific queries and querysets at ease.
* **Filters** - Filter by any field you want and need.
* **Model operators** - Classic operations such as `update`, `get`, `get_or_none`, `bulk_create`,
`bulk_update`, `values`, `values_list`, `only`, `defer` and a lot more.
* **Relationships made it easy** - Support for `OneToOne`, `ForeignKey` and `ManyToMany` in the same Django style.
* **Constraints** - Unique constraints through meta fields.
* **Indexes** - Unique indexes through meta fields.
* **Native test client** - We all know how hard it can be to setup that client for those tests you
need so we give you already one.

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