--------------------------- * Feature: Added dexterity widget for relatedItems [iulianpetchesi 121889] * Change: added notoc class to related content header as it shouldn't appear in the body toc portlet [ichim-david refs 119674]
--------------------------- * Change: Related items now also appear for dexterity objects, not only archetypes [iulianpetchesi 120841]
--------------------------- * Change: use Type for photoALbumEntryType first then portal_type when setting photoAlbumEntryType [ichim-david refs 117296]
--------------------------- * Feature: added draft or archived info within photoAlbumEntry [ichim-david refs 117295] * Feature: added photoAlbumEntryType info to related albums for mini header condition [ichim-david refs 117296]
--------------------------- * Change: hide relation information within an accordion and display expired or non published ribbon on photoAlbumEntry entries [ichim-david refs 112068]
--------------------------- * Change: Refs 113376 ensure interface content type is read before a portal type content type [ichim-david]