* Feature: filter forward and backward relations of translations and instead
show only the canonical relation if getLanguage is present which is normally
present after Products.LinguaPlone is installed
[ichim-david refs 16995]
* Feature: added categorizations.txt functional test for covering the logic
of relations macros
[ichimdav refs 17059]
* Change: Merged forward, backward and auto relations within eea_relateditems.pt
in order to avoid having publicated titles if any of the relations
categories had the same title. If they don't have the same title then the
behaviour will be the same as before this change.
[ichimdav refs 17059]
* Bug fix: Fixed permissions for popup-selecteditems view as it asks for
login and breaks the edit layout if the user doesn't have the standard Editor
role but she/he can add/edit a document
[voineali refs 17010]
* Bug fix: Fixed i18n attributes for eea_relateditems.pt as i18ndude
returned an error.
[prospchr refs 17141]