- fix issues where addition of some unscheduled visits could result in
a server error when trying to render subject's dashboard
(798, 807, 824, 827, 829, 830, 831)
- add additional symptom choices to Signs and Symptoms form, update
rm792 sx 'other' field reports (836)
- fix Signs and Symptoms and Vital Signs forms unavailable with
Auditor/read-only role (839)
- align QA Reports to more consistently present links to
subject dashboard, visit dashboard and to directly update CRFs
- update use of format_html for DJ6
- remove all references in templates to `bootstrap3` folders
- update forms reference doc
- bump to edc-csf 1.0.0
- bump to edc-microbiology 1.0.0
- bump to edc 1.0.3