------ - updates to Mental Status CRF: - add 'require_help' and 'any_other_problems' questions (423) - validate all symptoms must now be negative at baseline visit (439) - update Vital Signs CRF to validate g3 or higher fever/blood pressure requires 'reportable_as_ae' to be YES - update Patient History CRF 'on_tb_tx' question wording to direct at clinician not participant (444) - bump to edc 0.3.89
------ - change chest_xray_results_other from char to text field on Chest X-ray CRF (430) - update TB section on Patient History CRF (437): - add 'tb_dx_date', 'tb_dx_date_estimated', 'tb_tx_type', 'active_tb_tx' - remove 'tb_dx_ago', 'on_rifampicin', 'rifampicin_start_date' - bump to effect-form-validators 0.1.16
------ - updates to Mental Status CRF: - fix unable to specify "Not applicable" if no symptoms to report on D3 (402, 370) - add "Coamoxiclav (amoxicillin/clavulanate)" to antibiotics list on Patient Treatment CRF (431) - fix typo (split "LamotriginePyridoxine" into two entries) in 'specify_medication' list in Patient History CRF - merge contents of Medical History CRF into Patient History CRF (334, 360) - updates to ARV History CRF: - remove 'has_cd4_result' question (359) - rename 'cd4_result' to 'cd4_value' and set max value to 105 (381) - add 'calculated_headache_duration' to Signs and Symptoms CRF - bump to edc 0.3.89 - bump to effect-form-validators 0.1.15
------ - updates to ARV History CRF: - add 'hiv_dx_date' and 'hiv_dx_date_estimated' questions to top of ARV History CRF (337) - make 'cd4_result' and 'cd4_date' required (359), and validate against screening (381) - updates to Subject Screening CRF (337) - remove 'hiv_dx_date', 'hiv_dx_ago' and 'hiv_dx_date' questions - add 'hiv_confirmed_date' and 'hiv_confirmed_method' questions - updates to Death Report CRF cause of death choices (421): - add "PCP" and "Toxoplasmosis" choices - consolidate "Bacteraemia" and "Sepsis" choices to "Bacteraemia/sepsis" - consolidate "Cryptococcal meningitis relapse" and "CM-IRIS" choices to "Cryptococcal meningitis relapse/IRIS" - updates to AE Initial Report CRF AE classification choices - consolidate "Bacteraemia" and "Sepsis" choices to "Bacteraemia/sepsis" - consolidate "Cryptococcal meningitis relapse" and "CM-IRIS" choices to "Cryptococcal meningitis relapse/IRIS" - bump to edc 0.3.88 - bump to effect-form-validators >= 0.1.12
------ - add 'hiv_dx_new' question to Subject Screening CRF (337) - fix listboard search - update consent form - bump to edc 0.3.87
----- - move HIV diagnosis questions from Medical History to Subject Screening CRF (337) - move 'abnormal_lung_exam' from Patient History to Vital Signs CRF (382)