
Latest version: v0.10.3

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.. Note::

This is a *big* change. We switched from pyelasticsearch to
elasticsearch-py. The Elasticsearch object you get back from
``get_es`` is pretty different. When you upgrade to ElasticUtils
v0.9, you'll probably need to rewrite code.

If this terrifies you, read through these notes carefully and/or
stay with ElasticUtils v0.8.

.. Note::

This version supports Elasticsearch 0.20 through 0.90. It does not
yet support Elasticsearch 1.0. Support for 1.0 and later will be in
a later version of ElasticUtils.

**API-breaking changes:**

* **elasticsearch-py >= v0.4.3 and < 1.0 required.**

ElasticUtils now uses elasticsearch-py.

.. Note::

You have to use elasticsearch-py >= v0.4.3 and < 1.0. ElasticUtils
does not support elasticsearch-py 1.0. Support for later versions
will come in a future ElasticUtils release.

* **pyelasticsearch no longer needed**

You can remove pyelasticsearch and its requirements.

* **thrift now supported!**

elasticsearch-py supports http, thrift and memcache protocols, so
you can use any of them now.

* **pyelasticsearch -> elasticsearch-py changes.**

If you called ``elasticutils.get_es()`` and got a pyelasticsearch
`ElasticSearch` object and did things with that (create index, create
mappings, delete indexes, indexing, cluster health, ...), you're going
to need to make some changes.

You can either:

1. rewrite that code to use elasticsearch-py `Elasticsearch`
equivalents, or

2. write a different function that returns a pyelasticsearch `ElasticSearch`
object and use that

Rewriting shouldn't be too hard. The `elasticsearcy-py documentation
<https://elasticsearch-py.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`_ is pretty good
and for most things, there's a 1-to-1 translation. Also, in many cases
it's cleaner, so you'll probably be removing code.

* **S.all() no longer returns all results**

If you were using `S.all()` to return all search results, you should
change it to `S.everything()`.

* **`S._build_query()` was changed to `S.build_search()`**

This makes the method public and also changes the name and documentation
to be more correct.

If you really need a `S._build_query()`, add it to your `S` subclass.

* **Search results metadata is now in the `es_meta` object**

Previously, you would access search results metadata like this::



In order to make those accessible in Django templates, we moved them into
an es_meta object. You can now access them like this::




* **added S.everything() which does what S.all() did**

* **index_objects celery task can now take es and index args**

* **unindex_objects celery task can now take es and index args**

* **added S.suggestions() support**

* **added S.query_and_fetch() support**

* **added S.search_type()**

* **S.facet() can now take a size keyword argument**

* **S.facet_couts() now returns a dict of FacetResults objects**

The FacetResults object contains all the data we get back
from that section in the Elasticsearch response.

* **SearchResults now has facet data in facets property**

* **elasticutils.estestcase.ESTestCase available and cleaned up**

Previously, it was in ``elasticutils/tests/__init__.py``. This
makes it so everyone can use the same TestCase subclass we're
using for our tests.




* **Allow pyelasticsearch 0.6.1.**

This alleviates part of the problem in issue 163.

* **Add tox.ini file.**

We're testing with Python 2.6 and 2.7 on Django 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.

* **Add caching for empty results.**

ElasticUtils will now correctly remember when it got no results from
a search and won't redo the search.

* **Add support for query and filter facets.**

* **Attach facets to search result objects.**

* **order_by() accepts a dict as the sort field so you can do advanced sorts.**



**API-breaking changes:**

* **Indexable.index overwrite_existing argument default changed**

In v0.8, we added the ``overwrite_existing`` argument, but made
it default to False. That's different than what pyelasticsearch

In v0.8.1, we changed the default to True which is in line with
what pyelasticsearch does.

If you were depending on the old behavior, then you need to
update your indexing code to set ``overwrite_existing=False``.



**API-breaking changes:**

* **pyelasticsearch v0.6 or later now required.**

Further, since pyelasticsearch has released versions that aren't
backwards compatible, we're now pegging on specific versions.

* **celery 2.5.5 or later now required.**

You can ignore this if you're not using the Django celery tasks.

* **Indexable.index arguments changed**

pyelasticsearch changed arguments, so we did, too. We dropped
the ``force_insert`` argument (which wasn't working) and picked
up ``overwrite_existing``.

``overwrite_existing`` defaults to False which means it will
**not** overwrite existing documents in the index.

.. Note::

This was a mistake since pyelasticsearch defaults to True.
We changed this in 0.8.1.


* **Added support for ``range`` queries and filters.**

``range`` is a nice shorthand for ``gte`` and ``lte``.

* **S.filter_raw added**

If :py:meth:`elasticutils.S.filter` isn't doing as it's told, then you
can skip it and use the Elasticsearch API to create the filter clause
of the search by hand with :py:meth:`elasticutils.S.filter_raw`.

* Moved requirements files to ``requirements/``.



.. Note::

This is a *big* change. We switched from pyes to pyelasticsearch. In
doing that, we changed a handful of signatures, nixed some
functionality that didn't make any sense any more, and cleaned a
bunch of things up.

If this terrifies you, read through these notes carefully and/or
stay with v0.6.

**API-breaking changes:**

* **pyelasticsearch v0.4 or later now required.**

ElasticUtils now requires pyelasticsearch v0.4 or later and its

* **elasticutils.PYES_VERSION is removed.**

Since we're not using pyes, we removed `elasticutils.PYES_VERSION`.

* **ElasticUtils no longer supports thrift.**

Pretty sure we did a lousy job of supporting it before---it was all
in the pyes code and we had no tests for it.

* **get_es() signatures have changed.**

* takes urls now instead of hosts
* dump_curl argument is now gone
* default_indexes argument is gone

The arguments correspond with pyelasticsearch `ElasticSearch`

ElasticUtils uses HTTP urls for connecting to Elasticsearch now.
Previously, you'd do::

get_es(hosts=['localhost:9200']) Old way

Now you do::

get_es(urls=['http://localhost:9200']) New way

The dump_curl argument was helpful for debugging, but we don't
really need it anymore. See the :ref:`debugging-chapter` for better
debugging methods.

Will now raise a `DeprecationWarning` if you pass in `hosts`

* **S searches all indexes and doctypes by default.**

Previously, if you did::


it'd search an index named "default" for doctypes "document". That
was dumb. Now it searches all indexes and all doctypes by default.

* **S.es_builder is gone.**

``es_builder()`` was there to get around problems with pyes' ES
class. The pyelasticsearch `ElasticSearch` class is more
straightforward, so we don't need to do circus shenanigans.

You can probably do what you need to with either the ``es()``
transform or by subclassing `S` and overriding the ``get_es()``

* **MLT arguments changed.**

The `fields` argument in the constructor was renamed to `mlt_fields`
to be in line with Elasticsearch API names.

Will now raise a `DeprecationWarning` if you pass in `fields`

* **MappingType get_indexes renamed to get_index.**

`MappingType` had a method called `get_indexes`. This is now
`get_index` because it should return a single index name.

* **Added Indexable mixin for indexing bits for MappingTypes.**

* **Django: changed settings.**

Changed ES_HOSTS setting to ES_URLS. This is both a name and a value
change. ES_URLS takes a list of strings each is an http url. You'll
neex to update your settings files from::

ES_HOSTS = ['localhost:9200'] Old way


ES_URLS = ['http://localhost:9200'] New way

ES_DUMP_CURL is gone.

* **Django: removed the statsd code.**

* **Django: ESTestCase was improved, documented and bugs squashed.**

It was improved, documented and bugs were squashed. It's now used by
the test suite.

* **Django: Indexable.index() method no longer has bulk argument.**

The `Indexable.index()` method no longer does bulk indexing. The
way pyes did this was kind of squirrely and caused issues if you
didn't have the order of operations correct.

Now `Indexable.index()` only indexes a single document.

But wait...

* **Django: Indexable now has bulk_index().**

pyes would keep track of all the things you wanted to bulk index
and then at some point push them all. Instead of doing it under the
hood, we added a separate `bulk_index()` method and now you control
how many items get indexed in bulk in one pass.

* **Django: Indexable.refresh_index no longer takes a timeout argument.**

pyelasticsearch `ElasticSearch.refresh` doesn't take a timesleep
argument, so we don't need that anymore.

* **Django: Indexable es argument defaults to Indexable.get_es() now.**

Previously it defaulted to `elasticsearch.contrib.django.get_es()`. Now
it defaults to `Indexable.get_es()` class method making it more flexible.

* **Django: renamed DjangoMappingType to MappingType.**

* **Django: moved MappingType and Indexable.**

They were in ``elasticutils.contrib.django.models`` and are now in
``elasticutils.contrib.django``. Yay for slightly shorter module paths!

* **Django: ditched the cron module and its helpers.**

It's not clear they ever worked (issue 21) and there are no tests.

* **pyes -> pyelasticsearch changes.**

If you called ``.get_es()`` and got a pyes `ES` object and did
things with that (create index, create mappings, delete indexes,
indexing, cluster health, ...), you're going to need to make
some changes.

You can either:

1. rewrite that code to use pyelasticsearch `ElasticSearch`
equivalents, or

2. write and use your own ``get_es()`` function that returns
a pyes `ES` object

Rewriting shouldn't be too hard. The `pyelasticsearch documentation
<https://pyelasticsearch.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`_ is pretty good
and for most things, there's a 1-to-1 translation.


* **pyes is no longer a requirement.**

We no longer use pyes so you can remove it from your requirements.

* **S.execute added**

This allows you to explicitly execute a search and get back a
`SearchResults` instance.

See :py:meth:`elasticutils.S.execute` for details.

* **S.all added**

Allows you to get **all** the search results possible rather than
just the first 10 search results which is the default.

You should consider using slices instead which allows you to
specify the maximum number of results to get back.

This is dangerous, so it's been documented with lots of warnings.

See :py:meth:`elasticutils.S.all` for details.

* **Added support for ``match`` and ``match_phrase`` queries.**

Elasticsearch 0.19.9 renamed text query to match query. This adds
support for ``match`` and ``match_phrase``.

See :ref:`queries-queries` for details.

* **Added support for ``wildcard`` and ``terms`` queries.**

See :ref:`queries-queries` for details.

* **Reimplemented filter and query implementation.**

The new implementations allow you to add handling for filters and
queries that ElasticUtils doesn't handle as well as override what
ElasticUtils does.

See :py:class:`elasticutils.S` for details.

* **S.query_raw added**

If :py:meth:`elasticutils.S.query` is getting you down, then you
can skip it and use the Elasticsearch API to create the query clause
of the search by hand with :py:meth:`elasticutils.S.query_raw`.

* **Django: es_required_or_50x handles different exceptions.**

Previously it handled:

* pyes.urllib3.MaxRetryError
* pyes.exceptions.IndexMissingException
* pyes.exceptions.ElasticSearchException

We're not using pyes anymore, so now it handles:

* pyelasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError
* pyelasticsearch.exceptions.ElasticHttpError
* pyelasticsearch.exceptions.ElasticHttpNotFoundError
* pyelasticsearch.exceptions.InvalidJsonResponseError
* pyelasticsearch.exceptions.Timeout

You probably don't need to do anything about this, but it's good to

* **Django: celery tasks rewritten.**

The celery tasks were rewritten, docs were updated, and tests were
added so they work now.



**API-breaking changes:**

* **S.values_dict no longer always includes id.**

``values_dict`` no longer always includes an 'id' field in the
fields list if you don't specify it.

Specifying no fields now returns **all** fields::


Specifying fields now returns only those fields::

S().values_dict('name', 'number')

* **S.values_list no longer always includes id.**

``values_list`` no longer always includes an 'id' field in the
fields list if you don't specify it.

Specifying no fields now returns **all** fields::


Specifying fields now returns data for those fields in the order
the fields are specified::

S().values_list('name', 'number')

* **Types have changed.**

This is a big change.

Up through ElasticUtils v0.5, `S` could take a type and that type was
a model. This is now completely different.

In ElasticUtils v0.6 and later, `S` takes a `MappingType`. A
`MappingType` can be related to a model, but it itself should not be
a model. This allows us to return search results as a list of
`MappingType` instances which can do things rather than forcing you
to do a db hit to get back instances that can do things.

This is similar to how django-haystack works with the SearchIndex
class, except ElasticUtils doesn't yet support declarative mapping

See documentation for more details.

* **By default, results are now DefaultMappingType.**

In ElasticUtils v0.4 and v0.5, if the `S` was untyped and you didn't
specify either ``values_dict`` or ``values_list``, then the results
would come back as a list of dicts.

In ElasticUtils v0.5, if the `S` is untyped and you didn't specify
either ``values_dict`` or ``values_list``, then the results would
come back as a list of `DefaultMappingType`.

See documentation for more details.

* **elasticutils.contrib.django.models.SearchMixin is no more.**

The `SearchMixin` class is replaced by `DjangoMappingType` which
relates Elasticsearch mapping types to Django ORM models and
`Indexable` which is a mixin that adds a bunch of index-related


* Added ``_source`` and ``_id`` to the metadata decorated on the
search results.

See documentation for more details.

* Fixed ``elasticutils.contrib.django.es_required_or_50x``.

It works better now.

* prefix filter support.

ElasticUtils supports prefix filters. You can do this now::


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