**API-breaking changes:**
* **ElasticUtils no longer requires Django.**
If you're using Django, you should change your import statements
from things like::
from elasticutils import get_es, S, F
from elasticutils.contrib.django import get_es, S, F
Further, Django helper modules like ``cron``, ``tasks``, and
``models`` were all moved to ``elasticutils.contrib.django``.
We moved `ESTestCase` from ``elasticutils.tests`` to
If you don't use Django, ElasticUtils is easier to use!
* **S no longer requires a type.**
If you're not using Django, `S` no longer requires a type. If you
don't specify a type, then ElasticUtils will return results as
* **Values and values_list changed.**
``values()`` was renamed to ``values_list()``.
``values_list()`` (was ``values()``) now always returns a list of
tuples even if you only requested a single field. Previously, doing
something like::
searcher = S().values_list('id')
would return something like::
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Now it returns::
[(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,), (5,)]
* **Facet functionality was rewritten.**
Changed ``.facet()`` to be arg-driven and allow for `filtered` and
`global_` flags.
Changed ``.facets()`` to ``.facet_counts()`` to match Django
Added ``.facet_raw()`` which allows you to do more complicated
facets including scripting. This is similar to the original
``.facet()`` implementation.
* Overhauled and cleaned up ElasticUtils tests. Running tests can be done
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=es_settings nosetests
* Default timeout was changed from 1 second to 5 seconds.
* Added ``es`` transform: it allows you to specify the settings with which
to create an ES when the search is executed.
* Added ``es_builder`` transform: it allows you to specify a function
that builds an ES which will be executed to create an ES when the
search is executed.
* Added ``indexes`` transform: it allows you to specify the indexes to
use for the search.
* Added ``doctypes`` transform: it allows you to specify the doctypes
to use for the search.
* Added ``explain`` transform: it allows you to set the "explain" flag
which gives you an explanation of how the score was calculated.
I also added ``elasticutils.utils.format_elasticutils`` which formats
the resulting explanation text into something slightly more
readable. But it's likely this will change in the future.
* Added ``boost`` transform: it allows you to do query-time field
* Added support for ``prefix``. It's the same as ``startswith``, but
it uses the same word that ElasticSearch uses. At some point, we'll
remove support for ``startswith``.
* Added support for ``text_phrase`` and ``query_string`` queries.
* Added ``highlight`` transform: generates highlighted fragments of
content that matched the query.
* Removed requirement for nuggets.
* Continued to improve documentation.