
Latest version: v0.13.0

Safety actively analyzes 706259 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* drop python2.7 support
* fix newer xgboost with unnamed features



* use Jinja2 >= 3.0.0, please use eli5 0.11 if you'd prefer to use
an older version of Jinja2
* support lightgbm.Booster



* fixed scikit-learn 0.22+ and 0.24+ support.
* allow nan inputs in permutation importance (if model supports them).
* fix for permutation importance with sample_weight and cross-validation.
* doc fixes (typos, keras and TF versions clarified).
* don't use deprecated getargspec function.
* less type ignores, mypy updated to 0.750.
* python 3.8 and 3.9 tested on GI, python 3.4 not tested any more.
* tests moved to github actions.



* Don't include typing dependency on Python 3.5+
to fix installation on Python 3.7



* Keras image classifiers: explaining predictions with Grad-CAM
(GSoC-2019 project by teabolt).



* CatBoost support: show feature importances of CatBoostClassifier,
CatBoostRegressor and catboost.CatBoost.
* Test fixes: fixes for scikit-learn 0.21+, use xenial base on Travis
* Catch exceptions from improperly installed LightGBM

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