What's Changed * 2022-02-05 Dependency bumps by michael-robbins in https://github.com/emojirades/emojirades/pull/348 * Enable the capture and usage of a 'user' as part of the history command by michael-robbins in https://github.com/emojirades/emojirades/pull/349
What's Changed * Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.4.2 to 1.5.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/emojirades/emojirades/pull/342 * Adding in a few new variations on the 'first guess' messages by michael-robbins and bigdatadave in https://github.com/emojirades/emojirades/pull/346 * Bump dependencies by michael-robbins in https://github.com/emojirades/emojirades/pull/345
What's Changed * Basic JSON logging support by michael-robbins in https://github.com/emojirades/emojirades/pull/340 * Adding in re.DOTALL when parsing commands to search over linebreaks by michael-robbins in https://github.com/emojirades/emojirades/pull/341