This version is backwards incompatible and requires Python 3.6+.
- Numba:
- Using ``numexpr`` is no longer a possibility. Instead, ``numba`` is a new
dependency. All four kernel routines (``wavenumber``, ``greenfct``,
``reflections``, and ``fields``) are now numba-jitted functions.
- Removed:
- Removed all deprecated functions.
- Dropped support for Python 3.5; moved to f-strings.
- Dropped testing for channel conda-forge. The problems encountered at the
early development cycle of empymod with conda-forge do not exist any
- New defaults:
- ``EMArray``: ``.amp`` and ``.pha`` are now methods, not properties. Phase
takes three optional boolean parameters ``deg=False``, ``unwrap=True``, and
``lag=True``, to get radians or degrees; unwrapped or not; and lag or lead
defined phases.
- The parameters ``epermV`` and ``mpermV`` are set to the values of
``epermH`` and ``mpermH``, respectively, if not provided (hence assuming
isotropic behaviour). Before they were set to ones if not provided.
- Renaming:
- ``transform.fht`` -> ``transform.hankel_dlf``
- ``transform.hqwe`` -> ``transform.hankel_qwe``
- ``transform.hquad`` -> ``transform.hankel_quad``
- ``transform.ffht`` -> ``transform.fourier_dlf``
- ``transform.fqwe`` -> ``transform.fourier_qwe``
- ``transform.fftlog`` -> ``transform.fourier_fftlog``
- ``transform.fft`` -> ``transform.fourier_fft``
- ``transform.fhti`` -> ``transform.get_fftlog_input``
- ``transform.get_spline_values`` -> ``transform.get_dlf_points``.
- ``factAng`` -> ``ang_fact``
- In ``htarg``-dict: ``fftfilt``-> ``dlf`` (filter name for Hankel-DLF)
- In ``ftarg``-dict: ``fhtfilt``-> ``dlf`` (filter name for Fourier-DLF)
- In ``ftarg``-dict: ``ft``-> ``kind`` (method in Fourier-DLF [sine/cosine])
- Only dictionaries allowed for ``htarg`` and ``ftarg``; strings, lists, or
tuples are not allowed any longer. They are also dictionaries internally
- ``ht``: There is only one unique name for each method: 'dlf', 'qwe',
- ``ft``: There is only one unique name for each method: 'dlf', 'qwe',
'fftlog', 'fft'.
- Within ``transform``, change ``fhtarg``, ``qweargs``, and ``quadargs`` to
``htarg``; ``qweargs`` to ``ftarg``.
- Other changes:
- All settings (``xdirect``, ``ht``, ``htarg``, ``ft``, ``ftarg``, ``loop``,
``verb``) are now extracted from ``kwargs``. This makes it possible that
all ``model``-functions take the same keyword-arguments; warnings are
raised if a particular parameter is not used in this function, but it
doesn't fail (it fails, however, for unknown parameters). Pure positional
calls including those parameters will therefore not work any longer.
- Undo a change introduced in v1.8.0: ``get_dlf_points`` is calculated
directly within ``transform.fht`` [`empymod26
- Ensured that source and receiver inputs are not altered.
- Significantly reduced top namespace; only functions from ``model`` are
loaded into the top namespace now.
Version 1