
Latest version: v2.4.0

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- Simplified and improved ``empymod.utils.EMArray``. Now every returned array
from the main modelling routines ``bipole``, ``dipole``, ``loop``, and
``analytical`` is an EMArray with ``.amp``- and ``.pha``-attributes.
- Theme and documentation reworked, to be more streamlined with ``emg3d`` (for
easier long-term maintenance).
- Travis now checks all the url's in the documentation, so there should be no
broken links down the road. (Check is allowed to fail, it is visual QC.)
- Fixes to the ``setuptools_scm``-implementation (``MANIFEST.in``).
- ``ROADMAP.rst`` moved to GitHub-Projects; ``MAINTENANCE.rst`` included in




- Typos from v1.10.0; update example in ``model.loop``.
- Implement ``setuptools_scm`` for versioning (adds git hashes for




- New modelling routine ``model.loop`` to model the electromagnetic frequency-
or time-domain field due to an arbitrary rotated, magnetic source consisting
of an electric loop, measured by arbitrary rotated, finite electric or
magnetic bipole receivers or arbitrary rotated magnetic receivers consisting
of electric loops.
- Move copyright from «Dieter Werthmüller» to «The empymod Developers», to be
more inclusive and open the project for new contributors.





- Laplace-domain calculation: By providing a negative ``freq``-value, the
calculation is carried out in the real Laplace domain ``s = freq`` instead of
the complex frequency domain ``s = 2i*pi*freq``.
- Improvements to filter design and handling:

- ``DigitalFilter`` now takes an argument (list of strings) for additional
coefficients to the default ``j0``, ``j1``, ``sin``, and ``cos``.
- ``fdesign`` can now be used with any name as attribute you want to describe
the transform pair (until now it had to be either ``j0``, ``j1``, ``j2``,
``sin``, or ``cos``).
- The provided sine and cosine transform pairs in ``fdesign`` can now be
asked to return the inverse pair (time to frequency).

- Other tiny improvements and bug fixes.





- Use ``scooby`` for ``Versions`` (printinfo), change name to ``Report``.
- DOC: Correct return statement if ``mrec=True``.
- Typos and correct links for new asv/bench.
- Bump requirement to SciPy>=1.0.0, remove warning regarding memory leak in
SciPy 0.19.0.




- ``pts_per_dec`` are now floats, not integers, which gives more flexibility.
- Bugfix: ``pts_per_dec`` for DLF was actually points per ``e``, not per
decade, as the natural logarithm was used.
- New ``Versions``-class; improvement over the ``versions``-function, as it
automatically detects if it can print html or not.
- Maintenance: Update ``np.load`` in tests with ``allow_pickle=True`` for
changes in numpy v1.16.3.
- Lots of changes to accommodate ``emg3d`` within the ``empymod``-org:

- Adjust website, move stuff from website into README.md.
- /empymod/example-notebooks -> /empymod/empymod-examples.
- /empymod/asv -> /empymod/empymod-asv (and therefore now available at
- /empymod/bench -> /empymod/empymod-bench.

- Move manual from ``empymod/__init__.py`` to the ``docs/manual.rst``, and the
references to its own file. Change reference style.
- Move credits for initial funding from the license-section of the manual to
CREDITS.rst, where it belongs.

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