Added - New chartJs features / plugins. - Add tabulator column formatter. - Wrap new tabulator options. - Add CSS formatter for tabulator columns.
Changed - Add more flexibility to change the loading component. - Change the secondary colors definition.
Fixed - Better documentation & type hinting. - Bug fix on loading Tabulator extensions.
Added - New features for the table menu with column filtering. - Add filename for the json configuration (template mode). - Add js features for popup components. - Add no_tag component to .tags property. - Add new pyks components (Gauge and Circular progress bar).
Changed - Improve color conversion for the dark mode.
Fixed - Some bugs on colors. - Missing documentation or examples. - Fix list checks component.
Added - Add new icon aliases for components. - Add insert method for any HTML component. - Add new features for the tree component. - Add filter_on options for tree. - Add isJsData features in the JsUtils toolbox. - Add new parameters to the icons. - New more component in Navigations.
Changed - Change icon default style for buttons. - Change number of digits for percent component.
Fixed - Fix margin_h CSS property. - Fix options when JavaScript object added. - Fix Tabulator type hints.
Added - Add enter shortcut to textarea - Add readonly dom shortcut property for textarea - Add add_command function to the menu component to add more icons. - Add mouse loading animation. - Add JavaScript samples module.
Changed - Extend menu component to accept list of components. - Change color module to allow the transparentize and transparentize_all functions. - Documentation and examples. - Version of ChartJs to the latest. - [ChartJs] change new_dataset and add_dataset to accept any optional parameters. - [ChartJs] Change option to allow the data definition from a dict. - Change component default style.
Fixed - Documentation and Types definition. - [ChartJs] Add new options for the various charts. - [ChartJs] Fix on the load js wrapper for Pie and Polar charts. - Fix margin_h shortcut CSS property with components with width in %.
Added - New module for loading animations. - Add auto option to the menu (test). - Add run_on_start option for setInterval function. - Bug fixes on the type definition.
Changed - Changes in the menu wrapper for components. - Change the badge component with better JavaScript integration. - Minor changes on the style of few components.
Fixed - Fix the update component. - Fix badge display.
Added - Add get to retrieve custom Aria. - Show percentage in JqueryUI progressBar component. - Add network logs interactive component. - Add timelines issues interactive component.
Changed - Improve way width and height are defined to accept string with unit. - No change menu by default for the status component. - Input for title and accept dictionaries.
Fixed - Fix chartJs color definition. - Improve way fixed columns width are defined with row & grid components. - Bugfix in JavaScript input text components. - Improve the menu wrapper for components.