Added - Add popular pyks components from Epyk Studio. - Add more icons to the transversal configuration.
Changed - Change way color is managed for Buttons.
Fixed - Fix Plotly and some features in Tabulator wrappers.
Added - Popper package upgrade. - Change Div container tag. - Extra DOM functions - First version for the integration of the external frameworks Fluent UI, Toast UI, BootStrap and Material UI
Changed - Improve BS components. - New Icon setup to allow different Icon families.
Added - Integrate Moment library to the ase Javascript features. - Improve overall framework documentation. - Add packages white / black lists shortcuts. - Add defer, async property for external packages. - add_style function to all components.
Changed - Improved Bootstrap 5 integration. - DOM object for basic tables.
Fixed - Fix Bootstrap reference in Image component. - Bug fix in the Option base class.
Fixed - Bug fix for Python 3.7.
Added - Better integration of the Bootstrap CSS classes. - Jquery UI shortcut in the Web frameworks.
Fixed - Fix header duplicated stylesheets in the HTML page.