- Use simplejson if available. - Do not hide SSLErrors behind Timeouts. - Fixed param handling with urls containing fragments. - Significantly improved information in User Agent. - client certificates are ignored when verify=False
- Zero dependencies (once again)! - New: Response.reason - Sign querystring parameters in OAuth 1.0 - Client certificates no longer ignored when verify=False - Add openSUSE certificate support
- Allow passing a file or file-like object as data. - Allow hooks to return responses that indicate errors. - Fix Response.text and Response.json for body-less responses.
- Removal of Requests.async in favor of [grequests](https://github.com/kennethreitz/grequests) - Allow disabling of cookie persistence. - New implementation of safe\_mode - cookies.get now supports default argument - Session cookies not saved when Session.request is called with return\_response=False - Env: no\_proxy support. - RequestsCookieJar improvements. - Various bug fixes.
- New `Response.json` property. - Ability to add string file uploads. - Fix out-of-range issue with iter\_lines. - Fix iter\_content default size. - Fix POST redirects containing files.
- EXPERIMENTAL OAUTH SUPPORT! - Proper CookieJar-backed cookies interface with awesome dict-like interface. - Speed fix for non-iterated content chunks. - Move `pre_request` to a more usable place. - New `pre_send` hook. - Lazily encode data, params, files. - Load system Certificate Bundle if `certify` isn't available. - Cleanups, fixes.