- Attempt to use the OS's certificate bundle if `certifi` isn't available. - Infinite digest auth redirect fix. - Multi-part file upload improvements. - Fix decoding of invalid %encodings in URLs. - If there is no content in a response don't throw an error the second time that content is attempted to be read. - Upload data on redirects.
- POST redirects now break RFC to do what browsers do: Follow up with a GET. - New `strict_mode` configuration to disable new redirect behavior.
- Private SSL Certificate support - Remove select.poll from Gevent monkeypatching - Remove redundant generator for chunked transfer encoding - Fix: Response.ok raises Timeout Exception in safe\_mode
- Generate chunked ValueError fix - Proxy configuration by environment variables - Simplification of iter\_lines. - New trust\_env configuration for disabling system/environment hints. - Suppress cookie errors.