
Latest version: v3.8.1

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♻️ Code Refactor

- add app icon for imagetool manager ([e1cbcd2](


✨ Features

- **io.dataloader:** add new argument that can control combining ([bdec5ff](

Adds a new parameter `combine` to `io.load`. If `False`, returns a list of post-processed files without attempting to concatenate or merge the data into a single object. If `True`, retains the current default behavior.

🐞 Bug Fixes

- **imagetool:** allow coords of any dtype coercible to float64 ([4342ebc](

- **io.dataloader:** properly handle combining multi-axis scans ([2cd22c7](

♻️ Code Refactor

- **io.plugins:** update type hints ([54d0c5d](

- remove unused imports ([f1e35de](

- **interactive:** add informative error message for missing pyqt ([1347a02](

- **io.plugins:** add warning when plugin load fails ([ed5b184](


✨ Features

- **io.plugins:** add loader for beamline ID21 ESM at NSLS-II ([c07e490](

This commit adds a new data loader for beamline ID21 ESM at NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory.

- **io.dataloader:** add formatters ([2ee9a4a](

A new attribute named `formatters` and a new method `get_formatted_attr_or_coord` has been added to loaders. This allows custom per-attribute pretty-printing behavior.

- **io:** add parallel argument to `load` ([88cd924](

- **io:** add xarray backend for igor files ([1fe5ca5](

`.pxt`, `.pxp`, and `.ibw` files can now be opened with xarray methods such as `xr.open_dataset` and `xr.open_dataarray`. See the updated user guide for more information.

🐞 Bug Fixes

- **io.dataloader:** properly reorder coordinates ([3ebfb0f](

Coordinate order was broken for loaders which assign coordinates in inherited `post_process`. This is now fixed, and returned data will be consistently ordered with respect to the mapping, with the dimension coordinates coming first.

- **** temporary fix for xarray issue ([c2d04a3](

- **io.plugins.da30:** properly handle output types ([6297aba](

The DA30 loader now tries to return a dataset from `.zip` files only when there are no coordinate conflicts. In the case of conflicts, the loader will return a `DataTree`.

Also, single region DA30 `.pxt` files will now return a `DataArray` consistent with the equivalent `.ibw` file.

- **interactive.fermiedge:** allow transposed input to fermi edge fitting tool ([dcae75e](

- **interactive.imagetool:** retain attrs when exporting slice ([1bed572](

When accessing the data of a single slice from the right-click menu of `ImageTool`, the attributes of the original data are now kept. This allows saved slices or data opened in other tools to retain their attributes.

- resolve gui script not working on windows with conda ([62253d0](

- **io.dataloader:** clear plot before loading in interactive summaries ([21d6dea](

- **plotting.general:** fix `plot_slices` compatibility with slice object as argument ([5948a7b](

- **io:** disable memmapping when loading data ([c39da1b](

Memmapping seemed to interfere loading multiple files when called through ipywidgets.

⚡️ Performance

- **interactive.imagetool:** improve manager speed ([891c4ee](

♻️ Code Refactor

- **io.utils:** use pathlib in `get_files` ([b7a0f5b](

- **io.plugins.merlin:** combine ImageTool file menu into single entry ([6e28ac2](

- **io:** add postprocessing and validation for `DataTree` objects ([3fb3ff5](

- **io:** add warning when file is ambiguous ([8daabb8](

- **io:** remove renaming steps from `load_single` in multi-file loaders ([542f4f2](

Combining before renaming coords should be more straightforward

- **io:** allow missing alpha coord ([c9deed4](

Validation checks will not warn about missing detector angle, allowing XPS measurements.

- **io.dataloader:** only allow real file or folder names as input ([b9a59cc](

The previous behavior allowed passing `f_001.pxt` to load `f_001_S001.pxt`, `f_001_S002.pxt`... but this was confusing since there is no file named `f_001.pxt`. This commit disallows such input.

- cleanup erplot namespace ([007eedb](

- **io:** implement metaclass ([e787b1c](

Whenever the `identify()` method failed to find any files, subclasses had to explicitly raise `FileNotFoundError`. This resulted in a lot of boilerplate code and ambiguous error messages. Now, all subclasses can just return `None` in `identify()` when no files are found. The appropriate error is automatically raised.

- **io.igor:** raise OSError on load fail ([6c7a4c4](

- move dataloader cell formatting implementation to utils module ([0f2cb1c](

- **io:** deprecate calling igor functions from top level namespace ([bb8af7c](

Calling `` and `` is deprecated. When writing new code, use `xarray.load_dataarray` and `xarray.load_dataset` instead.


🐞 Bug Fixes

- ui file compatibility with Qt5 ([66c776d](


✨ Features

- **interactive.imagetool:** add rotation ([fdeb8a9](

A rotation dialog has been added to the Edit menu. Rotation guidelines can be overlaid on the main image.

- **interactive.utils:** add rotatable lines that can be rotated by dragging ([31b55e5](

- **analysis.transform:** add `rotate` function ([83a2ad8](

Added a new function that can rotate DataArray values using spline interpolation. Previous simple implementations are marked as deprecated.

- **utils.array:** add new function`trim_na` ([c628b5b](

This function trims the edges of DataArrays where all values are NaN.

- **accessors.kspace:** add method argument ([204073e](

Momentum conversion through the `convert()` method of the kspace accessor now supports an additional keyword argument `method` that can be used to choose different interpolation methods supported by `scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`. Note that methods other than `'linear'` will take much longer to execute.

- **analysis.interpolate:** add solver args ([24be3b0](

`FastInterpolator` now supports `solver` and `solver_args` keyword arguments introduced in scipy 1.13.0.

- **interactive.colors:** implement `BetterColorBarItem` limit editor ([7dd1477](

A new context menu in `BetterColorBarItem`'s viewbox enables manually editing color limits.

- **analysis.interpolate:** implement slicing along a vector ([cba8567](

A new function `slice_along_vector` has been added which enables interpolating through a line defined by a vector and a point.

- **interactive.imagetool:** add goldtool and dtool to menu ([33d5e35](

The interactive tools goldtool and dtool are now directly accessible from the right-click menu of 2D images in ImageTool.

- **accessors.general:** add option to `qsel.around` to disable averaging ([5aaed85](

- **plotting.general:** add `NonUniformImage` functionality to `plot_array` ([86d8c1a](

`plot_array` can now plot data with unevenly spaced coordinates. It uses `matplotlib.image.NonUniformImage` with the default interpolation option set to 'nearest'. The resulting plot may be different from `xarray.DataArray.plot` which uses `pcolormesh` to generate image plots.

- **interactive.imagetool:** add copy limits to colorbar menu ([29c37c4](

Right-clicking on the colorbar will now show a menu which contains a button that copies the current color limits to the clipboard. This is useful when manually adjusting color limits.

🐞 Bug Fixes

- **interactive.imagetool:** properly disconnect signals ([dce236f](

- **interactive.imagetool:** fix autoscale when loading data ([2c12f59](

- **interactive.imagetool:** scale spinbox decimals relative to coordinate step size ([9a801a5](

- **interactive.utils:** update `BetterSpinBox` width on changing decimals ([0a70884](

- **interactive:** fix compatibility issue with PySide6 ([da5f4af](

- **interactive.imagetool:** do not copy code when unnecessary ([9131029](

- **accessors.general:** qshow now triggers hvplot properly for 1D data ([8a84813](

- **interactive.imagetool:** make manager socket use default backlog ([0ac7f0b](

- **interactive.imagetool:** ensure proper socket termination in manager ([2cceb27](

♻️ Code Refactor

- **interactive.utils:** improve code generation ([78c403f](

- **analysis:** move `shift` to `transform` ([08baf05](

The `shift` function has been moved from `utils` to `transform`. Calling from the `utils` module is now deprecated.

- **analysis:** cleanup namespace ([e3e641d](

Three functions that were directly accesible from the `erlab.analysis` namespace are now deprecated. Import them from their respective modules.

- remove deprecated module `analysis.utilities` ([8b79ab5](

- **analysis.image:** add check for NaN in input ([095554f](

Derivative functions now check for NaNs in input data and raise a warning.

The interactive derivative tool automatically fills NaNs in the input data with zeros and shows a warning message.

- remove unpacking inside `np.r_` ([6c27864](

- improve initial import time ([f720973](


🐞 Bug Fixes

- **plotting.annotations:** properly pass keyword arguments in `mark_points_outside` ([2136939](

- **plotting.annotations:** expose property label generation to public api ([545781d](

A new `property_labels` function can be used to generate strings that are used by `label_subplot_properties` so that the labels can be used as titles easily through `eplt.set_titles`. Also, label generation now recognizes time, given as 't' with default unit seconds.

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