
Latest version: v3.7.0

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🐞 Bug Fixes

- make mathtext copy default to svg ([2f6e0e5](

- resolve MemoryError in prominent color estimation ([3bdcd03](

Due to [numpy/numpy/11879]( changed the auto method to sqrt. This should also improve memory usage and speed, with little to no impact on the end result.


🐞 Bug Fixes

- **plotting:** fixes [35]( ([a67be68](

Gradient fill disappears upon adding labels

- **fit.models:** wrong StepEdgeModel guess with DataArray input ([6778c8d](

♻️ Code Refactor

- **plotting:** code cleanup ([aef10e4](


✨ Features

- extended interactive accessor ([f6f19ab](

The `qshow` accessor has been updated so that it calls `hvplot` (if installed) for data not supported by ImageTool.

Also, the `qshow` accessor has been introduced to Datasets. For valid fit result datasets produced by the `modelfit` accessor, calling `qshow` will now show an `hvplot`-based interactive visualization of the fit result.

- **itool:** make itool accept Datasets ([f77b699](

When a Dataset is passed to `itool`, each data variable will be shown in a separate ImageTool window.

- **analysis.image:** add multidimensional Savitzky-Golay filter ([131b32d](

🐞 Bug Fixes

- **itool:** add input data dimension check ([984f2db](

- **analysis.image:** correct argument order parsing in some filters ([6043413](

- **interactive:** improve formatting for code copied to clipboard ([d8b6d91](

♻️ Code Refactor

- **plotting:** update `clean_labels` to use `Axes.label_outer` ([0c64756](


🐞 Bug Fixes

- **ktool:** resolve ktool initialization problem, closes [32]( ([e88a58e](

- **itool:** disable flag checking for non-numpy arrays ([da6eb1d](


🐞 Bug Fixes

- **plotting:** fix wrong regex in `scale_units` ([d7826d0](

- fix bug in `modelfit` parameter concatenation ([edaa556](

- **itool:** ensure DataArray is readable on load ([5a0ff00](


✨ Features

- **imagetool:** add method to update only the values ([ca40fe4](

- add interpolation along a path ([7366ec4](

The `slice_along_path` function has been added to `analysis.interpolate`, which enables easy interpolation along a evenly spaced path that is specified by its vertices and step size. The path can have an arbitrary number of dimensions and points.

🐞 Bug Fixes

- **io:** remove direct display call in interactive summary ([d44b3a5](

This was causing duplicated plots.

- **plotting:** add some validation checks to `plot_array` ([2e0753c](

The functions `plot_array` and `plot_array_2d` now checks if the input array coordinates are uniformly spaced. If they are not, a warning is issued and the user is informed that the plot may not be accurate.

- **plotting:** increase default colorbar size ([3208399](

The default `width` argument to `nice_colorbar` is changed to 8 points. This ensures visibility in subplots, especially when constrained layout is used.

- delay interactive imports until called ([ad15910](

♻️ Code Refactor

- various cleanup ([2b38397](

Improve docstring formatting and tweak linter settings

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