What's Changed
Changes to the Manage experiments tool
The Manage experiments tool has become nicer to work with. Before you would just get text information about each experiment:

Now there is a separate panel for viewing the information:

Longer retries for license error
For ECL100 jobs there is a possibility that the license server may be overloaded by too many concurrent realizations. To mitigate this we have increased the retrying mechanism for checking the license error from max 6 minutes to between 19 and 32 minutes (depending on randomized values). In order to check whether your realization is waiting for the license server to respond, while running the experiment, click on "show details":

Click on the square for the long running realization, 0 in the image:

Now click the "OPEN" button in the column STDERR for row ECLIPSE100:

If the message contains "Eclipse failed due to license failure, retrying in XXs" then the license server is busy and we will automatically retry running eclipse in the specified number of seconds.

Breaking changes for plugins, forward models and api endpoints
There are a few breaking changes, which only effects users of the storage api and plugins and ertscripts that uses LibresFacade:
* The storage api endpoint "/ensembles/{ensemble_id}/responses/{response_name}/data" is removed.
* The deprecated methods `grid`, `gen_data_keys`, `gen_kw_keys`, `all_data_type_keys`, `observation_keys` of `LibresFacade` are removed.
Breaking Changes ðŸ›
* Remove storage API endpoint "/ensembles/{ensemble_id}/responses/{response_name}/data" by oyvindeide (7566)
* Remove deprecated method LibresFacade.grid by Eivind Jahren (7567)
* Remove method gen_data_keys from LibresFacade by oyvindeide (7520)
* Remove method gen_kw_keys from LibresFacade by oyvindeide (7520)
* Remove method all_data_type_keys from LibresFacade by oyvindeide (7520)
* Remove method observation_keys from LibresFacade by oyvindeide (7520)
Bug fixes
* Fixed an issue where local queue would error due to it being killed before starting by berland (7710)
* Ensure that opening an older version of ert with a newer version of storage shows an informative error message by frode-aarstad (7719)
* Fixed formatting of file open error on bsub (LSF) in by berland (7671)
* Ensure that the storage lock is aquired before writing by oyvindeide (7570)
* Fixed an issue where empty storage directories were migrated by oyvindeide (7570)
* Establish connection and empty the event queue before cancelling tasks by xjules (7562)
* Fix bug where all ensembles would show instead of just the initialized ones by oyvindeide (7538)
* Fix documentation for LSF memory booking by jonathan-eq (7654)
* Document storage by aronhoyer (7254)
* Document how delete_directory works on symlinks by berland (7444)
* Split release notes in highlighted changes and change log by oyvindeide (7542)
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/equinor/ert/compare/9.0.17...10.0.0