<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at version-4.2 -->
What's Changed Improvements * Add check for ECLBASE being present when config contains SUMMARY by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4545 * Provide better error message when there are infinite loops in the defines by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4548 Maintenance * Remove false positive warning for INSTALL_JOB_DIRECTORY by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4547
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at main -->
What's Changed Breaking Changes 🛠 * Remove deprecated keyword RERUN_START by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4496 Improvements * Move error message if missing REFCASE/TIME_MAP from C to python by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4466 Bug Fixes * Read summary keys from storage instead of config by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4491 Maintenance * Simplify ensemble config C code and usage by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4434 * Fix typo in field name in SmootherSnapshot by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4490 Other Changes * Fixed gui not displaying runpath correctly by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4495 * Fix bug in suggester gui that caused run ert button to not work by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4499
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at 4.2.0-rc0 -->
What's Changed User impact 🛠 * Improve reproducibility of RANDOM_SEED when sampling prior by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4389 * Do substitution until fixed point by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4416 Breaking Changes 🛠 * Add default jobname and raise more descriptive config validation exception by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4179 * Remove deprecated config keyword PORTABLE_EXE by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4354 * Make extjob python only and made `STDIN null` behave the same as `STDOUT null` by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4384 New Features 🎉 * Create initial implementation of migration suggester by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4455 Improvements * Add message box to load results manually instead of printing by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4161 * Make `<DATE>` magic string substitution available for ert config file by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4183 * Use message box instead of printing to terminal by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4162 * Ensure bin in path for pytest by hnformentin in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4256 * Add version check to file system by ManInFez in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4338 * Check if the runpath exists before starting simulations by frode-aarstad in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4244 Bug Fixes * Reintroduce reading init_files for GEN_KW by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4141 * Add no-action implementations of free to classes inheriting from BaseCClass by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4198 * Fix bug where wrong function name was used by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4187 * Remove spurious print messages by verveerpj in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4207 * Let torque driver pick up error codes from jobs by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4171 * Fix incorrect printing of enum in case info by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4330 * Update ensemble_evaluator log configuration by lars-petter-hauge in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4340 * Fix runpath check by frode-aarstad in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4412 * Check if init_file contains %d after forward_init fails by ManInFez in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4426 * Fix bug where updates using SURFACE/FIELD failed after iter-0 by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4463 Maintenance * Remove docs about keyword that does not exist by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4145 * Split out sample prior from createRunPath by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4095 * Simplify subst config code by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4159 * Move code for "ert/shared/share/ert" scripts to avoid overhead of importing ert by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4155 * Warn when expanding keywords with no refcase available by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4169 * Replace subst config by simple substitution list by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4167 * Remove print statements and comments by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4177 * Simplify enkf_plot_data.cpp by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4188 * Move storage logic from enkf main by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4170 * Remove enkf_plot_gendata and genvector by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4192 * Refactor summary load by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4211 * Remove unused functions from enkf_node.cpp by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4219 * Add pip packages to PATH for macos-latest CI job by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4074 * Remove summary.py by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4220 * Add release notes for version 4.0 by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4226 * Improve error msg when unable to acquire lock by dafeda in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4228 * Remove unused es_testdata.cpp by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4232 * Remove unused functions by frode-aarstad in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4225 * Solve style issues found by annotate action by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4234 * Remove unused functions on field.cpp by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4233 * Replace checked in storage in snake_oil with made on request by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4246 * Up the timeout limit when testing the job runner startup overhead by oysteoh in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4262 * Removed Free method in ResConfig (src/ert/_c_wrappers/enkf/res_config.py) by chandansgowda in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4266 * Remove enkf_plot_gen_kw by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4271 * Add hypothesis testing for and string methods to model config by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4200 * Update readthedocs config by sondreso in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4279 * Move run_arg_type from C to dataclass in Python by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4265 * Fix and improve ensemble config tests based on config dict generator by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4301 * Cleanup ensemble_config simplification by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4282 * Remove TEST_CONFIG_FILE_KEY testing keyword by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4215 * Update workflow docs by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4329 * Simplify ErtWorkflowList workflow structures by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4231 * Refactor ErtWorkflow to use one codepath by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4351 * Refactor enkf_config_node by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4355 * Update FORWARD_MODEL documentation by oysteoh in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4393 * Simplify model config by removing unused code and moving C code to python by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4347 * Deprecate schedule prediction file config keyword by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4388 * Simplify EnsembleConfig by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4390 * Fix typo in model config by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4403 * Fix typo by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4471 * Give structure to config validation errors by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4465 Other Changes * Remove todo and question from tests by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4152 * Fix argc in qstat call by xjules in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4151 * Make use of node_status_builder in protobuf reporter by xjules in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4149 * Reimplement formatted_fprintf in python by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4140 * Move `enkf_node_ecl_write` to Python by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4126 * Add release notes for version 4.1 by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4157 * Make enkf config node keys unique in test config dict generator by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4163 * Fix config_content.as_dict() by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4158 * Remove 'mini_ert' test data fixture by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4173 * Make sure that processing reporter.event_queue does not yield ConnectionError by xjules in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4001 * Remove unused parts of substitution list by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4175 * Pin github runners to macos-10.15 by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4191 * Cleanup and prepare for EnsembleConfig from_dict functionality by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4185 * Update script/ecl-check by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4202 * Move out forward model by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4195 * Fix unintentional change in parse_signature_job by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4213 * Remove unused parameter in model_config_init by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4205 * Modernize old style typing by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4210 * Simplify forward model by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4203 * Extend config_content_as_dict by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4227 * Pretty print parametes.json with backwards compatible format by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4235 * Expose torque_driver to Python using pybind11 by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4193 * Add docs about parameter transformation by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4196 * Always print blob for failing hypothesis tests by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4223 * Fix an issue with arglist with simulation job by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4249 * Remove license_root_path by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4239 * Fix job queue log message by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4261 * Initialize EnsembleConfig only using from_dict() pathway by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4199 * Fix implicit typing of optional in substituter by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4270 * Rename function to more descriptive by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4274 * Add pytest run of doctests to github actions by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4278 * Revert "Add pytest run of doctests to github actions" by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4280 * Separate linux and mac build and test jobs by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4242 * Add doctest workflow by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4283 * Remove Narratives for testing and accompanying tests by lars-petter-hauge in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4276 * Remove ext_joblist by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4257 * Remove install of gui test dependencies in build step by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4287 * Use wheel in test runners by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4299 * Bump doc timelimit by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4309 * Remove MULTFLT as a recognized config keyword by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4304 * Update versions of actions and python in ci by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4307 * Remove havana fault by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4303 * Remove subst_list from ert_workflow_list by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4272 * Fix pytest coverage not uploading correctly by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4319 * Delete unused ui_return by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4320 * Delete unused llsq_result_enum and message_level_enum by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4323 * Use caching of github actions by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4315 * Resubmit the same event when failed connection by xjules in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4269 * Ignore expected exception from file-parsing in c++ in torque driver by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4325 * Use xdist in github actions by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4268 * Cache conan in github actions by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4341 * Remove hook workflow components by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4311 * Add actionlint to lint the workflow files by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4312 * Resolve pylint issue with subst_list import by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4378 * Delete site_config.py by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4197 * Remove file_sync_timeout by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4377 * Don't install `qstat_proxy.sh` to bin by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4380 * Improve mypy annotation by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4391 * pin scipy by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4398 * Corrected spelling to ERT in the README for consistency by alin256 in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4359 * Make CMakeLists dependent on ecl from PyPI by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/3800 * Stop using subst_list C-objects in ext_job by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4322 * Turn off c optimizations when building for tests by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4402 * Add release notes label for user facing changes by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4394 * Bump mypy-protobuf<v3.4 by hnformentin in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4405 * Speed up tests more by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4417 * Quick fix runpath check breaking semeio integration by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4428 * Move some tests to doctest by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4395 * Use doctest for _prepare_x_axis test by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4440 * Move format_running_time tests to doctests by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4439 * Move test_adding_priors to use poly_case fixture by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4437 * Skip test_report_with_reconnected_reporter_but_finished_jobs if macos by hnformentin in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4419 * Substitute deprecated iteritems to items by hnformentin in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4421 * Move test_multiple_data_assimilation by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4435 * Remove remnants of site_config by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4442 * Removed duplicate of rangestring test and more doc by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4441 * Fix default value for max_running in driver by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4449 * Use stderr for deprecation warnings in config file by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4446 * Update MIN_REALIZATIONS in DOC table with most important info by lars-petter-hauge in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4422 * Revert "Add memory threshold change to yield Running event" by lars-petter-hauge in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4349 * Refactor generator by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4386 * Increase logging information to log files by lars-petter-hauge in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4454 * Create substitutionList from dictionary by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4424 * Use already replaced runpaths when checking if the runpath exists by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4468 * Create EnvironmentVarlist from dictionary by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4458 * Remove async run functions from RunModels (affects --experiment-server only) by lars-petter-hauge in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4472 * Fix false positive warning by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4478 * Create QueueConfig from dictionary by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4475 * `Time map` pybind by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4240 * Mitigate flakiness in concurrent qstat testing by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4433 * Remove debug prints 😐 by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4482 * Fix a bug with fixed point substitution by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4476 * Suggester gui by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4469
New Contributors * chandansgowda made their first contribution in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4266 * alin256 made their first contribution in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4359
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at main -->
What's Changed Breaking Changes 🛠 * Add default jobname and raise more descriptive config validation exception by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4179 Improvements * Add message box to load results manually instead of printing by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4161 * Make `<DATE>` magic string substitution available for ert config file by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4183 * Use message box instead of printing to terminal by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4162 * Ensure bin in path for pytest by hnformentin in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4256 Bug Fixes * Reintroduce reading init_files for GEN_KW by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4141 * Add no-action implementations of free to classes inheriting from BaseCClass by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4198 * Fix bug where wrong function name was used by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4187 * Remove spurious print messages by verveerpj in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4207 * Let torque driver pick up error codes from jobs by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4171 Maintenance * Remove docs about keyword that does not exist by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4145 * Split out sample prior from createRunPath by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4095 * Simplify subst config code by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4159 * Move code for "ert/shared/share/ert" scripts to avoid overhead of importing ert by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4155 * Warn when expanding keywords with no refcase available by andreas-el in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4169 * Replace subst config by simple substitution list by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4167 * Remove print statements and comments by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4177 * Simplify enkf_plot_data.cpp by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4188 * Move storage logic from enkf main by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4170 * Remove enkf_plot_gendata and genvector by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4192 * Refactor summary load by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4211 * Remove unused functions from enkf_node.cpp by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4219 * Add pip packages to PATH for macos-latest CI job by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4074 * Remove summary.py by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4220 * Add release notes for version 4.0 by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4226 * Improve error msg when unable to acquire lock by dafeda in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4228 * Remove unused es_testdata.cpp by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4232 * Remove unused functions by frode-aarstad in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4225 * Solve style issues found by annotate action by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4234 * Remove unused functions on field.cpp by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4233 * Replace checked in storage in snake_oil with made on request by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4246 * Up the timeout limit when testing the job runner startup overhead by oysteoh in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4262 * Removed Free method in ResConfig (src/ert/_c_wrappers/enkf/res_config.py) by chandansgowda in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4266 * Remove enkf_plot_gen_kw by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4271 * Add hypothesis testing for and string methods to model config by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4200 * Update readthedocs config by sondreso in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4279 Other Changes * Remove todo and question from tests by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4152 * Fix argc in qstat call by xjules in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4151 * Make use of node_status_builder in protobuf reporter by xjules in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4149 * Reimplement formatted_fprintf in python by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4140 * Move `enkf_node_ecl_write` to Python by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4126 * Add release notes for version 4.1 by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4157 * Make enkf config node keys unique in test config dict generator by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4163 * Fix config_content.as_dict() by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4158 * Remove 'mini_ert' test data fixture by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4173 * Make sure that processing reporter.event_queue does not yield ConnectionError by xjules in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4001 * Remove unused parts of substitution list by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4175 * Pin github runners to macos-10.15 by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4191 * Cleanup and prepare for EnsembleConfig from_dict functionality by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4185 * Update script/ecl-check by pinkwah in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4202 * Move out forward model by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4195 * Fix unintentional change in parse_signature_job by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4213 * Remove unused parameter in model_config_init by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4205 * Modernize old style typing by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4210 * Simplify forward model by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4203 * Extend config_content_as_dict by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4227 * Pretty print parametes.json with backwards compatible format by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4235 * Expose torque_driver to Python using pybind11 by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4193 * Add docs about parameter transformation by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4196 * Always print blob for failing hypothesis tests by valentin-krasontovitsch in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4223 * Fix an issue with arglist with simulation job by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4249 * Remove license_root_path by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4239 * Fix job queue log message by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4261 * Initialize EnsembleConfig only using from_dict() pathway by DanSava in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4199 * Fix implicit typing of optional in substituter by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4270 * Rename function to more descriptive by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4274 * Add pytest run of doctests to github actions by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4278 * Revert "Add pytest run of doctests to github actions" by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4280 * Separate linux and mac build and test jobs by mortalisk in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4242 * Add doctest workflow by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4283 * Remove Narratives for testing and accompanying tests by lars-petter-hauge in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4276 * Remove ext_joblist by eivindjahren in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4257
New Contributors * chandansgowda made their first contribution in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4266
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at version-4.1 -->
What's Changed Bug Fixes * Backport: Read summary keys from storage instead of config by oyvindeide in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4492 * Backport: Let delete_file() in delete_directory.py delete symlinks by berland in https://github.com/equinor/ert/pull/4567