
Latest version: v1.1.3

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Bug Fixes
- Revert to old ``esmtools`` behavior for stats functions. This allows one to pass
single Datasets and DataArrays to ``linear_slope``, ``linregress``, ``polyfit``,
``rm_poly``, and ``rm_trend``. In this case, the fit is performed over ``dim``
from the given ``xarray`` object. This still retains the e.g.
``rm_trend(x, y)`` behavior as well. (:pr:`93`) `Riley X. Brady`_.

Internals/Minor Fixes
- Update required ``xarray`` version to v0.16.0 to allow for use of
``xr.infer_freq``. (:pr:`92`) `Riley X. Brady`_.



Internals/Minor Fixes
- Fix ``flake8`` F401 error by using ``TimeUtilAccessor`` directly in first instance
in code. (:pr:`86`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Add ``conda`` badge and ``conda`` installation instructions. (:pr:`87`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Migrate ``corr`` and ``autocorr`` from ``climpred`` to ``esmtools`` with some light edits to
the code. (:pr:`88`) `Riley X. Brady`_.

- ``climpred`` removed as a dependency for ``esmtools``. (:pr:`88`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``autocorr`` deprecated, since it can be run via ``corr(x, x)``. ``ACF`` renamed to
``autocorr``, which reflects ``pandas``-style naming. (:pr:`88`) `Riley X. Brady`_.



- ``xarray`` implementation of ``statsmodels.stats.multitest.multipletests``.
(:pr:`71`) `Aaron Spring`_
- Implements ``nan_policy=...`` keyword for :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linear_slope`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linregress`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.polyfit`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_poly`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_trend`.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.

* ``'none', 'propagate'``: Propagate nans through function. I.e., return a nan for
a given grid cell if a nan exists in it.
* ``'raise'``: Raise an error if there are any nans in the datasets.
* ``'drop', 'omit'``: Like ``skipna``, compute statistical function after removing

- Adds support for datetime axes in :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linear_slope`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linregress`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.polyfit`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_poly`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_trend`. Converts
datetimes to numeric time, computes function, and then converts back to datetime.
(:pr:`70`)`Riley X. Brady`_.
- :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linear_slope`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linregress`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.polyfit`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_poly`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_trend` are now
dask-compatible and vectorized better.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.

Bug Fixes
- Does not eagerly evaluate ``dask`` arrays anymore. (:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.

Internals/Minor Fixes
- Adds ``isort`` and ``nbstripout`` to CI for development. Blacken and isort code.
(:pr:`73`) `Riley X. Brady`_

- Add more robust API docs page, information on how to contribute, CHANGELOG, etc. to
``sphinx``. (:pr:`67`) `Riley X. Brady`_.

- Removes ``mpas`` and ``vis`` modules. The former is better for a project-dependent
package. The latter essentially poorly replicates some of ``proplot`` functionality.
(:pr:`69`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Removes ``stats.smooth_series``, since there is an easy ``xarray`` function for it.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Changes ``stats.linear_regression`` to ``stats.linregress``.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Changes ``stats.compute_slope`` to ``stats.linear_slope``.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Removes ``stats.area_weight`` and ``stats.cos_weight`` since they are available
through ``xarray``. (:pr:`83`) `Riley X. Brady`_.



- ``co2_sol`` and ``schmidt`` now can be computed on grids and do not do time-averaging
(:pr:`45`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``temp_decomp_takahashi`` now returns a dataset with thermal/non-thermal components
(:pr:`45`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``temporal`` module that includes a ``to_annual()`` function for weighted temporal
resampling (:pr:`50`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``filtering`` module renamed to ``spatial`` and ``find_indices`` made public.
(:pr:`52`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``standardize`` function moved to stats. (:pr:`52`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``loadutils`` removed (:pr:`52`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``calculate_compatible_emissions`` following Jones et al. 2013
(:pr:`54`) `Aaron Spring`_
- Update ``corr`` to broadcast ``x`` and ``y`` such that a single time series can be
correlated across a grid. (:pr:`58`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``convert_lon_to_180to180`` and ``convert_lon_to_0to360`` now wrapped with
``convert_lon`` and now supports 2D lat/lon grids. ``convert_lon()`` is also
available as an accessor. (:pr:`60`) `Riley X. Brady`_.

Internals/Minor Fixes
- Changed name back to ``esmtools`` now that the readthedocs domain was cleared up.
Thanks Andrew Walter! (:pr:`61`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- ``esmtools`` documentation created with docstring updates for all functions.

esm_analysis v1.0.2 (2019-07-27)

Internals/Minor Fixes
- Changed name from ``esmtools`` to ``esm_analysis`` since the former was registered
on readthedocs.



Internals/Minor Fixes
- Add versioning and clean up setup file.
- Add travis continuous integration and coveralls for testing.


Formally releases ``esmtools`` on pip for easy installing by other packages.

.. _`Riley X. Brady`:
.. _`Aaron Spring`:

Release Procedure

We follow semantic versioning, e.g., v1.0.0. A major version causes incompatible API changes,
a minor version adds functionality, and a patch covers bug fixes.

. Create a new branch ``release-vX.x.x`` with the version for the release.

* Update ``CHANGELOG.rst``
* Make sure all new changes, features are reflected in the documentation.

. Open a new pull request for this branch targeting `master`

. After all tests pass and the PR has been approved, merge the PR into ``master``

. Tag a release and push to github::

$ git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Version 1.0.0"
$ git push origin master --tags

. Build and publish release on PyPI::

$ git clean -xfd remove any files not checked into git
$ python sdist bdist_wheel --universal build package
$ twine upload dist/* register and push to pypi

. Update the stable branch (used by ReadTheDocs)::

$ git checkout stable
$ git rebase master
$ git push -f origin stable
$ git checkout master

. Update esmtools conda-forge feedstock

* Fork `esmtools-feedstock repository <>`_
* Clone this fork and edit recipe::

$ git clone
$ cd esmtools-feedstock
$ cd recipe
$ edit meta.yaml

- Update version
- Get sha256 from for `esmtools <>`_
- Fill in the rest of information as described `here <>`_

* Commit and submit a PR



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