- ``xarray`` implementation of ``statsmodels.stats.multitest.multipletests``.
(:pr:`71`) `Aaron Spring`_
- Implements ``nan_policy=...`` keyword for :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linear_slope`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linregress`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.polyfit`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_poly`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_trend`.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
* ``'none', 'propagate'``: Propagate nans through function. I.e., return a nan for
a given grid cell if a nan exists in it.
* ``'raise'``: Raise an error if there are any nans in the datasets.
* ``'drop', 'omit'``: Like ``skipna``, compute statistical function after removing
- Adds support for datetime axes in :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linear_slope`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linregress`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.polyfit`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_poly`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_trend`. Converts
datetimes to numeric time, computes function, and then converts back to datetime.
(:pr:`70`)`Riley X. Brady`_.
- :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linear_slope`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.linregress`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.polyfit`,
:py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_poly`, :py:func:`~esmtools.stats.rm_trend` are now
dask-compatible and vectorized better.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
Bug Fixes
- Does not eagerly evaluate ``dask`` arrays anymore. (:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
Internals/Minor Fixes
- Adds ``isort`` and ``nbstripout`` to CI for development. Blacken and isort code.
(:pr:`73`) `Riley X. Brady`_
- Add more robust API docs page, information on how to contribute, CHANGELOG, etc. to
``sphinx``. (:pr:`67`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Removes ``mpas`` and ``vis`` modules. The former is better for a project-dependent
package. The latter essentially poorly replicates some of ``proplot`` functionality.
(:pr:`69`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Removes ``stats.smooth_series``, since there is an easy ``xarray`` function for it.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Changes ``stats.linear_regression`` to ``stats.linregress``.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Changes ``stats.compute_slope`` to ``stats.linear_slope``.
(:pr:`70`) `Riley X. Brady`_.
- Removes ``stats.area_weight`` and ``stats.cos_weight`` since they are available
through ``xarray``. (:pr:`83`) `Riley X. Brady`_.