Released on 12 Jan, 2015.
- New: Operations Log (http://python-eve.org/features#operations-log.)
- New: GeoJSON (http://python-eve.org/features.html#geojson) (Juan Madurga.)
- New: Internal Resources (http://python-eve.org/features#internal-resources) (Magdas Adrian.)
- New: Support for multiple origins when using CORS (Josh Villbrandt, 532.)
- New: Regexes are stripped out of HATEOAS urls when present. You now get
``games/<game_id>/images`` where previously you would get
``games/<regex('[a-f0-9]{24}'):game_id>/images``). Closes 466.
- New: ``JSON_SORT_KEYS`` enables JSON key sorting (Matt Creenan).
- New: Add the current query string to the self link for responses with
multiple documents. Closes 464 (Jen Montes).
- New: When document versioning is on, add ``?version=<version_num>`` to
HATEOAS self links. Also adds pagination links for ``?version=all`` and
``?version=diffs`` requests when the number exceeds the max results.
Partially addresses 475 (Jen Montes).
- New: ``QUERY_WHERE`` allows to set the query parameter key for filters.
Defaults to ``where``.
- New: ``QUERY_SORT`` allows to set the query parameter key for sorting.
Defaults to ``sort``.
- New: ``QUERY_PAGE`` allows to set the query parameter key for pagination.
Defaults to ``page``.
- New: ``QUERY_PROJECTION`` allows to set the query parameter key for
projections. Defaults to ``projection``.
- New: ``QUERY_MAX_RESULTS`` allows to set the query parameter key for max
results. Defaults to ``max_results``.
- New: ``QUERY_EMBEDDED`` allows to set the query parameter key embedded
documents. Defaults to ``embedded``.
- New: Fire ``on_fetched`` events for ``version=all`` requests (Jen Montes).
- New: Support for CORS ``Access-Control-Expose-Headers`` (Christian Henke).
- New: ``post_internal()`` can be used for intenral post calls. This method is
not rate limited, authentication is not checked and pre-request events are
not raised (Magdas Adrian).
- New: ``put_internal()`` can be used for intenral PUT calls. This method is
not rate limited, authentication is not checked and pre-request events are
not raised (Kevin Funk).
- New: ``patch_internal()`` can be used for intenral PATCH calls. This method
is not rate limited, authentication is not checked and pre-request events are
not raised (Kevin Funk).
- New: ``delete_internal()`` can be used for intenral DELETE calls. This method
is not rate limited, authentication is not checked and pre-request events are
not raised (Kevin Funk).
- New: Add an option to ``_internal`` methods to skip payload validation
(Olivier Poitrey).
- New: Comma delimited sort syntax in queries. The MongoDB data layer now also
supports queries like ``?sort=lastname,-age``. Addresses 443.
- New: Add extra 4xx response codes for proper handling. Only ``405`` Method
not allowed, ``406`` Not acceptable, ``409`` Conflict, and ``410`` Gone have
been added to the list (Kurt Doherty).
- New: Add serializers for integer and float types (Grisha K.)
- New: dev-requirements.txt added to the repo.
- New: Embedding of documents by references located in any subdocuments. For
example, query ``embedded={"user.friends":1}`` will return a document with
"user" and all his "friends" embedded, but only if ``user`` is a subdocument
and ``friends`` is a list of references (Dmitry Anoshin).
- New: Allow mongoengine to work properly with cursor counts (Johan Bloemberg)
- New: ``ALLOW_UNKNOWN`` allows unknown fields to be read, not only written as
before. Closes 397 and 250.
- New: ``VALIDATION_ERROR_STATUS`` allows setting of the HTTP status code to
use for validation errors. Defaults to ``422`` (Olivier Poitrey).
- New: Support for sub-document projections. Fixes 182 (Olivier Poitrey).
- New: Return ``409 Conflict`` on pymongo ``DuplicateKeyError`` for ``POST``
requests, as already happens with ``PUT`` requests (Matt Creenan, 537.)
- Change: ``DELETE`` returns ``204 NoContent`` on a successful delete.
- Change: SERVER_NAME removed as it is not needed anymore.
- Change: URL_PROTOCOL removed as it is not needed anymore.
- Change: HATEOAS links are now relative to the API root. Closes 398 401.
- Change: If-Modified-Since has been disabled on resource (collections)
endpoints. Same functionality is available with a ``?where={"_udpated":
{"$gt": "<RFC1123 date>"}}`` request. The OpLog also allows retrieving
detailed changes happened at any endpoint, deleted documents included.
Closes 334.
- Change: etags are now persisted with the documents. This ensures that etags
are consistent across queries, even when projection queries are issued.
Please note that etags will only be stored along with new documents created
and/or edited via API methods (POST/PUT/PATCH). Documents inserted by other
means and those stored with v0.4 and below will keep working as previously:
their etags will be computed on-the-fly and you will get still be getting
inconsistent etags when projection queries are issued. Closes 369.
- Change: XML item, meta and link nodes are now ordered. Closes 441.
- Change: ``put`` method signature for ``MediaStorage`` base class has been
updated. ``filemame`` is now optional. Closes 414.
- Change: CORS behavior to be compatible with browsers (Chrome). Eve is now
echoing back the contents of the Origin header if said content is whitelisted
in X_DOMAINS. This also safer as it avoids exposing internal server
configuration. Closes 408. This commit was carefully handcrafed on a flight
to EuroPython 2014.
- Change: Specify a range of dependant package versions. 379 (James Stewart).
- Change: Cerberus 0.8 is now required.
- Change: pymongo v2.7.2 is now required.
- Change: simplejson v3.6.5 is now required.
- Change: update ``dev-requirements.txt`` to most recent tools available.
- Fix: add ``README.rst`` to ``MANIFEST.in`` (Niall Donegan.)
- Fix: ``LICENSE`` variable in ``setup.py`` should be "shortstring". Closes
540 (Niall Donegan.)
- Fix: ``PATCH`` on fields with original value of ``None`` (Marcus Cobden,
- Fix: Fix impossible version ranges in setup.py (Marcus Cobden, 531.)
- Fix: Bug with expanding lists of roles, compromising authorization (Mikael
Berg, 527)
- Fix: ``PATCH`` on subdocument fields does not overwrite the whole
subdocument anymore. Closes 519.
- Fix: Added support for validation on field attribute with type list (Jorge
- Fix: Fix a serialization bug with integer and float when value is
0 (Olivier Poitrey).
- Fix: Custom ID fields tutorial: if custom ID fields are being used, then
MongoDB/Eve won't be able to create them automatically as it does with the
`ObjectId` default type. Closes 511.
- Fix: Dependencies with default values were reported as missing if omitted.
Closes 353.
- Fix: Dependencies always fails on PATCH if dependent field isn't part of
the update. 363.
- Fix: client projections work when ``allow_unknown`` is active. Closes 497.
- Fix: datasource projections are active when ``allow_unknown`` is active.
closes 497.
- Fix: Properly serialize nullable floats and integers. Closes 469.
- Fix: ``_mongotize()`` turns non-ObjectId strings (but not unicode) into
ObjectIds. Closes 508 (Or Neeman).
- Fix: Fix validation of read-only fields inside dicts. Closes 474 (Arnau
- Fix: Parent and collection links follow the scheme described in 475 (Jen
- Fix: Ignore read-only fields in ``PATCH`` requests when their values aren't
changed compared to the stored document. Closes 479.
- Fix: Allow ``EVE_SETTINGS`` envvar to be used exclusively. Previously,
a settings file in the working directory was always required. Closes 461.
- Fix: exception when trying to set nullable media field to null (Daniel
- Fix: Add missing ``$options`` and ``$list`` MongoDB operators to the
allowed list (Jaroslav Semančík).
- Fix: Get document when it is missing embedded media. In case you try to
embedd a document which has media fields and that document has been deleted,
you would get an error (Petr Jašek).
- Fix: fix additional lookup regex in RESTful Account Management tutorial
(Ashley Roach).
- Fix: ``utils.weak_date`` always returns a RFC-1123 date (Petr Jašek).
- Fix: Can't embed a ressource with a custom _id (non ObjectId). Closes 427.
- Fix: Do not follow DATE_FORMAT for HTTP headers. Closes 429 (Olivier
- Fix: Fix app initialization with resource level versioning 409 (Sebastián
- Fix: KeyError when trying to use embedding on a field that is missing from
document. It was fixed earlier in 319, but came back again after new
embedding mechanism (Daniel Lytkin).
- Fix: Support for list of strings as default value for fields (hansotronic).
- Fix: Media fields are now properly returned even in embedded documents.
Closes 305.
- Fix: auth in domain configuration can be either a callable or a class
instance (Gino Zhang).
- Fix: Schema definition: a default value of [] for a list causes IndexError.
Closes 417.
- Fix: Close file handles in setup.py (Harro van der Klauw)
- Fix: Querying a collection should always return pagination information (even
when no data is being returned). Closes 415.
- Fix: Recursively validate the whole query string.
- Fix: If the data layer supports a list of allowed query operators, take
them into consideration when validating a query string. Closes 388.
- Fix: Abort with 400 if unsupported query operators are used. Closes 387.
- Fix: Return the error if a blacklisted MongoDB operator is used in a query
(debug mode).
- Fix: Invalid sort syntax raises 500 instead of 400. Addresses 378.
- Fix: Fix serialization when `type` is missing in schema. 404 (Jaroslav
- Fix: When PUTting or PATCHing media fields, they would not be properly
replaced as needed (Stanislav Heller).
- Fix: ``test_get_sort_disabled`` occasional failure.
- Fix: A POST with an empty array leads to a server crash. Now returns a 400
error isntead and ensure the server won't crash in case of mongo invalid
operations (Olivier Poitrey).
- Fix: PATCH and PUT don't respect flask.abort() in a pre-update event. Closes
395 (Christopher Larsen).
- Fix: Validating keyschema rules would cause a TypeError since 0.4. Closes
- Fix: Crash if client projection is not a dict 390 (Olivier Poitrey).
- Fix: Server crash in case of invalid "where" syntax 386 (Olivier Poitrey).