Released on 30 November, 2013.
- [new] Sub-Resources. It is now possible to configure endpoints such as:
``/companies/<company_id>/invoices``. Also, the corresponding item endpoints,
such as ``/companies/<company_id>/invoices/<invoice_id>``, are available. All
CRUD operations on these endpoints are allowed. Closes 156.
- [new] ``resource_title`` allows to customize the endpoint title (HATEOAS).
- [new][dev] ``extra`` cursor property, when present, will be added to ``GET``
responses (with same key). This feature can be used by Eve extensions to
inject proprietary data into the response stream (Petr Jašek).
- [new] ``IF_MATCH`` allows to disable checks for ETag matches on edit, replace
and delete requests. If disabled, requests without an If-Match header will be
honored without returning a 403 error. Defaults to True (enabled by default).
- [new] ``LINKS`` allows to customize the links field. Default to '_links'.
- [new] ``ITEMS`` allows to customize the items field. Default to '_items'.
- [new] ``STATUS`` allows to customize the status field. Default to 'status'.
- [new] ``ISSUES`` allows to customize the issues field. Default to 'issues'.
- [new] Handling custom ID fields tutorial.
- [new] A new ``json_encoder`` initialization argument is available. It allows
to pass custom JSONEncoder or eve.io.BaseJSONEncoder to the Eve instance.
- [new] A new ``url_converters`` initialization argument is available. It
allows to pass custom Flask url converters to the Eve constructor.
- [new] ID_FIELD fields can now be of arbitrary types, not only ObjectIds.
Thanks to Kelvin Hammond for contributing to this one. Closes 136.
- [new] ``pre_<method>`` and ``pre_<method>_<resource>`` event hooks are now
available. They are raised when a request is received and before processing
it. The resource involved and the Flask request object are returned to the
callback function (dccrazyboy).
- [new] ``embedded_fields`` activates default Embedded Resource Serialization
on a list of selected document fields. Eventual embedding requests by clients
will be processed along with default embedding. In order for default
embedding to work, the field must be defined as embeddable, and embedding
must be active for the resource (with help from Christoph Witzany).
- [new] ``default_sort`` option added to the ``datasource`` resource setting.
It allows to set default sorting for the endpoint. Default sorting will be
overriden by a client request that happens to include a ``?sort`` argument
within the query string (with help from Christoph Witzany).
- [new] You can now choose to provide custom settings as a Python dictionary.
- [new] New method ``Eve.register_resource()`` for registering new resource
after initialization of Eve object. This is needed for simpler initialization
API of all ORM/ODM extensions (Stanislav Heller).
- [change] Rely on Flask endpoints to map urls to resources.
- [change] For better consistency with new ``pre_<method>`` hooks,
``on_<method>`` event hooks have been renamed to ``on_post_<method>``.
- [change] Custom authentication classes can now be set at endpoint level. When
set, an endpoint-level auth class will override the eventual global level
auth class. Authentication docs have been updated (and greatly revised)
accordingly. Closes 89.
- [change] JSON encoding is now handled at the DataLayer level allowing for
specialized, granular, data-aware encoding. Also, since the JSON encoder is
now a class attribute, extensions can replace the pre-defined data layer
encoder with their own implementation. Closes 102.
- [fix] HMAC example and docs updated to align with new hmac in Python 2.7.3,
which is only accepting bytes string. Closes 199.
- [fix] Properly escape leaf values in XML responses (Florian Rathgeber).
- [fix] A read-only field with a default value would trigger a validation error
on POST and PUT methods.