* Fix warnings about distutils being deprecated in Python>=3.10
This release fixes compatibility with Python 3.7, which was inadvertently broken in the previous release, 1.19.0.
Added -----
* Add two experimental new document types: a `stream_resource` that manages an unknown number of contiguous `stream_datum`, with the potential for multiple streams. This is especially relevant when the data is expected to be ragged or has no pre-determined shape (number of rows).
Changed -------
* Added ``object_name`` to Event Descriptor schema. The RunEngine has been adding this for many years. This change merely documents the status quo. * Use ``importlib`` instead of ``__version__`` to implement logic conditional on jsonschema version.
What's Changed * CI: add a workflow to publish on PyPI by mrakitin in https://github.com/bluesky/event-model/pull/216 * Fix for `databroker.v0` API by mrakitin in https://github.com/bluesky/event-model/pull/218 * Fix versioneer compat with py311 by tacaswell in https://github.com/bluesky/event-model/pull/217
* The ``start document`` parameter to :func:`~event_model.compose_resource` is now optional * :meth:`~event_model.RunRouter.descriptor` has been modified to record descriptor document id before executing callbacks
Any object that implements __array__ is accepted by the schema validators as any array. This enables the validator to tolerate numpy-like variants that are not literal numpy arrays, such as dask, sparse, or cupy arrays.