Features - Added default values for GUI - Initialization file is now optional if you call EXOTIC with flags - Removed astropy deprecation warnings
Features - Added "Thinking" display added to Open Elevation query
Bugfixes - Linux install script updated - Previously, Alignment was faulted on when using the GUI; now, it actually responds to user input
Bugfix - Added if statement to check for N/A for an OBSCODE, which will not be accepted by AAVSO.
Bugfixes - Fixed bug in setup files - AAVSO only likes ASCII characters
Features - General code cleanup. - Updated Linux and Windows installation instructions - Updated instructions for sample data
Bugfixes - Update ecla.py with jit on solveme - Fix plot_image error observed in Jupyter Lab - Fix for misstated python requirements. Also, downgraded reqirements to Python 3.6. In no case can EXOTIC run under any earlier version of Python. - Added runtime check for Python version to GUI - Added version detection to Exotic GUI and requirements.txt - Wrap tkinter imports with try-except to catch partial installs - New tooling for install and launch to attempt auto-install of Python and Pip and to fail gracefully if these do not work - bugfix on AAVSO output file
Features - Cleaned up documentation.
Bugfixes - Appropriately cast custom filter wavelengths as floats.