
Latest version: v4.2.3

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- Slight modification to output file regarding comparison star. If a comparison star was used, the following will show: COMP_STAR-XC=[{"ra": "205.91925353189598", "dec": "48.14073270140996", "x": "656", "y": "166"}] or COMP_STAR-XC=[{"ra": null, "dec": null, "x": "656", "y": "166"}] if no plate solution. If no comparison star was used: COMP_STAR-XC=[]
- Decrease in memory usage
- If the option to use a plate solution is 'y', the reference FITS will be uploaded to astrometry.net. If 'n', EXOTIC will go to the header and check to see if a WCS exists. If there is a WCS, it will use it and give a heads-up to the user. If not, EXOTIC will not use a plate solution at all. This is different from the previous version of EXOTIC as it use to ask for permission from the user to utilize the WCS
- Updated plots in light curve fitter
- Updated sigma clip for variable observing cadences
- Added BJD fall back-calculation
- Normalized relative flux in AAVSO filein their FITS header

- Pixel scale updated for those who have existing ones in their header and WCS
- Fixed flat field logic
- Fixed issues with the Windows installation instructions
- Fixed figure references in instructions.


- AAVSO Output file modified to include the comparison star used (if there was one) and the filter's FWHM. Also, some fields have changed to JSON blobs, noted by -XC. Original fields are still there for the sake of compatibility and will be removed sometime at a later date.
- Real-time reduction added to the list of command-line arguments. However, the code is still not operating for now and will hopefully be ready in the next update.
- Updated installation and run instructions for EXOTIC, including how to run via the Jupyter Notebook.

- Headers with plate solutions should now be searchable in EXOTIC. If you have one in your header, EXOTIC will prompt you if you trust it.


- Users can now use the command line to bypass planetary parameters differences if they choose to by entering `override`. Also, prereduced data is now workable with command line arguments.
- All command line arguments:
`-i inits.json -o reduce override`
`-i inits.json -o prereduced override`
`-i inits.json -o reduce`
`-i inits.json -o prereduced`
`-i inits.json`
- If users use the `-o` argument, they must enter 1 or more parameters. Also, you cannot enter both `reduce` and `prereduced` as that will result in an error. If `override` is not a given parameter, it will assume the user still wants to check between the NEA and their JSON file.
- Also, `override` will not scrape the NEA. For a possible future update, it might be better to check the inits.json file for missing values and fill them in with the NEA values. However, this does give flexibility to users who don't have internet access at the time of reduction and would rather just use their JSON values.
- Users can also type in `-h` and it will show a list of choices for `-o` since it must be spelled correctly.
- Code clean-up regarding LDTk
- Users can now enter HH:MM:SS for Latitude and Longitude.

- None.



- Added iPython Notebook to run EXOTIC (in `examples/` directory)


- Updated parameter uncertainty override


- Added in option only for those who want to do a complete reduction on FITS files with a JSON file `python3 exotic.py -i <json_path>` or `python3 exotic.py --init <json_path>`. This will later be more optimized to handle pre-reduced data and such (feedback appreciated on this).
- Pathlib added to check the initialization file path.

- Added space after colons due to input box not showing on colab.


**THIS IS A MAJOR RELEASE:** if your old light curves do not show an obvious transit signal, **please re-reduce them with this version of EXOTIC and re-upload them to the AAVSO**


- Alignment code is used only to identify host and comp star locations, images are no longer shifted and stacked as alignment was not necessarily preserving flux
- Sped up photometric extraction for loop
- Added bokeh plot function for interactive FITS plots for eventual GUI rollout
- Added in pathlib instead of OS file manipulations
- Fixed structure issues
- Updated sample light curve in the documentation


- Directory pointing fixed
- General code cleanup
- Don't double-convert "BJD" when it is what it is
- Make sure to use the flux-weighted centroid to help EXOTIC find the stars
- Fixed FOV plot x and y limits and aperture and sky annuli

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