New Features
- Static html export! You can export a static version of the dashboard using the default values
that you specified in the components or through kwargs with `dashboard.to_html()`.
- for custom components you need to define your own custom `to_html()` methods, see the documentation.
- A toggle is added to the dashboard header that allows you to download a static export
of the current live state of the dashboard.
- adds a new toggle and parameter to the ConfusionmatrixComponent to either average
the percentage over the entire matrix, over the rows or over the columns.
Set normalize='all', normalize='true', or normalize='pred'.
- also adds a `save_html(filename)` method to all `ExplainerComponents` and `ExplainerDashboard`
- `ExplainerHub` adds a new parameter `index_to_base_route`:
Dispatches Hub to `/base_route/index` instead of the default `/` and `/index`.
Useful when the host root is not reserved for the ExplainerHub