
Latest version: v0.4.7

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This is a major release and comes with lots of breaking changes to the lower level
`ClassifierExplainer` and `RegressionExplainer` API. The higherlevel `ExplainerComponent` and `ExplainerDashboard` API has not been
changed however, except for the deprecation of the `cats` and `hide_cats` parameters.

Explainers generated with version `explainerdashboard <=` will not work
with this version! So if you have stored explainers to disk you either have to
rebuild them with this new version, or downgrade back to `explainerdashboard==`!
(hope you pinned your dependencies in production! ;)

Main motivation for these breaking changes was to improve memory usage of the
dashboards, especially in production. This lead to the deprecation of the
dual cats grouped/not grouped functionality of the dashboard. Once I had committed
to that breaking change, I decided to clean up the entire API and do all the
needed breaking changes at once.

Breaking Changes
- onehot encoded features (passed with the `cats` parameter) are now merged by default. This means that the `cats=True`
parameter has been removed from all explainer methods, and the `group cats`
toggle has been removed from all `ExplainerComponents`. This saves both
on code complexity and memory usage. If you wish to see the see the individual
contributions of onehot encoded columns, simply don't pass them to the
`cats` parameter upon construction.
- Deprecated explainer attributes:
- `BaseExplainer`:
- `shap_values_cats`
- `shap_interaction_values_cats`
- `permutation_importances_cats`
- `get_dfs()`
- `formatted_contrib_df()`
- `to_sql()`
- `check_cats()`
- `equivalent_col`
- `ClassifierExplainer`:
- `get_prop_for_label`

- Naming changes to attributes:
- `BaseExplainer`:
- `importances_df()` -> `get_importances_df()`
- `feature_permutations_df()` -> `get_feature_permutations_df()`
- `get_int_idx(index)` -> `get_idx(index)`
- `importances_df()` -> `get_importances_df()`
- `contrib_df()` -> `get_contrib_df()` *
- `contrib_summary_df()` -> `self.get_summary_contrib_df()` *
- `interaction_df()` -> `get_interactions_df()` *
- `shap_values` -> `get_shap_values_df`
- `plot_shap_contributions()` -> `plot_contributions()`
- `plot_shap_summary()` -> `plot_importances_detailed()`
- `plot_shap_dependence()` -> `plot_dependence()`
- `plot_shap_interaction()` -> `plot_interaction()`
- `plot_shap_interaction_summary()` -> `plot_interactions_detailed()`
- `plot_interactions()` -> `plot_interactions_importance()`
- `n_features()` -> `n_features`
- `shap_top_interaction()` -> `top_shap_interactions`
- `shap_interaction_values_by_col()` -> `shap_interactions_values_for_col()`
- `ClassifierExplainer`:
- `self.pred_probas` -> `self.pred_probas()`
- `precision_df()` -> `get_precision_df()` *
- `lift_curve_df()` -> `get_liftcurve_df()` *
- `RandomForestExplainer`/`XGBExplainer`:
- `decision_trees` -> `shadow_trees`
- `decisiontree_df()` -> `get_decisionpath_df()`
- `decisiontree_summary_df()` -> `get_decisionpath_summary_df()`
- `decision_path_file()` -> `decisiontree_file()`
- `decision_path()` -> `decisiontree()`
- `decision_path_encoded()` -> `decisiontree_encoded()`

New Features
- new `Explainer` parameter `precision`: defaults to `'float64'`. Can be set to
`'float32'` to save on memory usage: `ClassifierExplainer(model, X, y, precision='float32')`
- new `memory_usage()` method to show which internal attributes take the most memory.
- for multiclass classifiers: `keep_shap_pos_label_only(pos_label)` method:
- drops shap values and shap interactions for all labels except `pos_label`
- this should significantly reduce memory usage for multi class classification
- not needed for binary classifiers.
- added `get_index_list()`, `get_X_row(index)`, and `get_y(index)` methods.
- these can be overridden with `.set_index_list_func()`, `.set_X_row_func()`
and `.set_y_func()`.
- by overriding these functions you can for example sample observations
from a database or other external storage instead of from `X_test`, `y_test`.
- added `Popout` buttons to all the major graphs that open a large modal
showing just the graph. This makes it easier to focus on a particular
graph without distraction from the rest of the dashboard and all it's toggles.
- added `max_cat_colors` parameters to `plot_importance_detailed` and `plot_dependence` and `plot_interactions_detailed`
- prevents plotting getting slow with categorical features with many categories.
- defaults to `5`
- can be set as `**kwarg` to `ExplainerDashboard`
- adds category limits and sorting to `RegressionVsCol` component
- adds property `X_merged` that gives a dataframe with the onehot columns merged.

Bug Fixes
- shap dependence: when no point cloud, do not highlight!
- Fixed bug with calculating contributions plot/table for whatif component,
when InputFeatures had not fully loaded, resulting in shap error.

- saving `X.copy()`, instead of using a reference to `X`
- this would result in more memory usage in development
though, so you can `del X_test` to save memory.
- `ClassifierExplainer` only stores shap (interaction) values for the positive
class: shap values for the negative class are generated on the fly
by multiplying with `-1`.
- encoding onehot columns as `np.int8` saving memory usage
- encoding categorical features as `pd.category` saving memory usage
- added base `TreeExplainer` class that `RandomForestExplainer` and `XGBExplainer` both derive from
- will make it easier to extend tree explainers to other models in the future
- e.g. catboost and lightgbm
- got rid of the callable properties (that were their to assure backward compatibility),
and replaced them with regular methods.

Bug Fixes
- fixes bug allowing single list of logins for ExplainerDashboard when passed
on to ExplainerHub
- fixes bug with explainers generated with explainerdashboard <= 0.2.19
that did not have a `.onehot_cols` property


Breaking Changes
- `WhatIfComponent` deprecated. Use `WhatIfComposite` or connect components
yourself to a `FeatureInputComponent`
- renaming properties:
`explainer.cats` -> `explainer.onehot_cols`
`explainer.cats_dict` -> `explainer.onehot_dict`

New Features
- Adds support for models with categorical features (e.g. CatBoost)
- Adds filter on number of categories to display in violin plots and pdp plot,
and how to sort the categories (alphabetical, by frequency or by mean abs shap)

Bug Fixes
- fixes bug where str tab indicators returned e.g. the old ImportancesTab instead of ImportancesComposite

- No longer dependening on PDPbox dependency: built own partial dependence
functions with categorical feature support
- autodetect xgboost.core.Booster or lightgbm.Booster and give ValueError to
use the sklearn compatible wrappers instead.

Other Changes
- Introduces list of categorical columns: `explainer.categorical_cols`
- Introduces dictionary with categorical columns categories: `explainer.categorical_dict`
- Introduces list of all categorical features: `explainer.cat_cols`

Bug fix:
- custom ExplainerComponent that do not have `name` or `**kwargs` parameters in the `__init__` are no longer broken.


Breaking Changes
- ExplainerHub: parameter `user_json` is now called `users_file` (and default to a `users.yaml` file)
- Renamed a bunch of `ExplainerHub` private methods:
- `_validate_user_json` -> `_validate_users_file`
- `_add_user_to_json` -> `_add_user_to_file`
- `_add_user_to_dashboard_json` -> `_add_user_to_dashboard_file`
- `_delete_user_from_json` -> `_delete_user_from_file`
- `_delete_user_from_dashboard_json` -> `_delete_user_from_dashboard_file`

New Features
- Added NavBar to `ExplainerHub`
- Made `users.yaml` to default file for storing users and hashed passwords
for `ExplainerHub` for easier manual editing.
- Added option `min_height` to `ExplainerHub` to set the size of the iFrame
containing the dashboard.
- Added option `fluid=True` to `ExplainerHub` to stretch bootstrap container
to width of the browser.
- added parameter `bootstrap` to `ExplainerHub` to override default bootstrap theme.
- added option `dbs_open_by_default=True` to `ExplainerHub` so that no login
is required for dashboards for which there wasn't a specific lists
of users declared through `db_users`. So only dashboards for which users
have been defined are password protected.
- Added option `no_index` to `ExplainerHub` so that no flask route is created
for index `"/"`, so that you can add your own custom index. The dashboards
are still loaded on their respective routes, so you can link to them
or embed them in iframes, etc.
- Added a "wizard" perfect prediction to the lift curve.
- hide with `hide_wizard=True` default to not show with `wizard=False`.

Bug Fixes
- `ExplainerHub.from_config()` now works with non-cwd paths
- `ExplainerHub.to_yaml("subdirectory/hub.yaml")` now correctly stores
the users.yaml file in the correct subdirectory when specified.

- added a "powered by: explainerdashboard" footer. Hide it with hide_poweredby=True.
- added option "None" to shap dependence color col. Also removes the point cloud
from the violin plots for categorical features.
- added option `mode` to `ExplainerDashboard.run()` that can override `self.mode`.

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