
Latest version: v0.5.8

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- Enhancement: ``DockerTasks``: full image digest can be passed instead of a tag
- Fix: ``DockerTasks`` will not try to work with image if it is not provided by service



- Fix: ``docker.Stack``: pull fresh version of stack image(s) before save digest to metadata, otherwise it may not be available causing unnecessary stack update
- Enhancement: ``docker.Stack``: update stack services with image digests from backup after stack rollback



- Change: ``PostgresqlContainer`` does not use ``sudo`` by default (can be enabled again by ``sudo=True`` attribute)
- Change: removed sentinel containers logic for services
- Enhancement: ``docker.Service``: ``publish`` option can be used to set range of ports
- Enhancement: ``docker.Service``: predefined options can be passed also by option name
- Enhancement: added new service type - ``docker.Stack`` which takes Docker Compose configuration file as parameter, see `Docker stacks`_ example (`127`_)

.. _Docker stacks: examples/service/stack/
.. _127: https://github.com/renskiy/fabricio/issues/127



- Change: ``docker.Service``: do not create sentinel containers by default
- Change: ``docker.Service``: use native ``docker service rollback`` for ``rollback`` command (`132`_)
- Enhancement: ``docker.Service``: additional updatable options (secret, host, group, placement-pref, dns, dns-option, dns-search) (`133`_)
- Enhancement: ``docker.BaseService``: any option can be a callable taking service instance as argument
- Enhancement: ``docker.BaseService``: additional safe options can be passed to the service using special ``safe_options`` argument
- Enhancement: added `Django example`_
- Fix: fixed some ``Django`` migrations revert scenarios

.. _Django example: examples/apps/django/
.. _132: https://github.com/renskiy/fabricio/issues/132
.. _133: https://github.com/renskiy/fabricio/issues/133



- Change: removed all deprecation warnings
- Enhancement: added compatibility with Python 3 (`63`_)

.. _63: https://github.com/renskiy/fabricio/issues/63



- Change: ``docker.Service``: ``mode`` is now an attribute, not an option
- Change: ``docker.Option`` is unsafe by default
- Change: ``docker.BaseService.safe_options`` does not include custom options
- Enhancement: ``docker.Service``: ``network`` option can be updated
- Enhancement: ``docker.Service`` skips empty options
- Enhancement: ``docker.Container.execute()`` can take additional options (`125`_)

.. _125: https://github.com/renskiy/fabricio/issues/125

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