
Latest version: v0.5.8

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- Fix: macOS: fixed dangling entities removal



- Fix: ``Options``: option values which contain space characters, single and double quotes are surrounded by double quotes now (`87`_)

.. _87: https://github.com/renskiy/fabricio/issues/87



- Fix: ``StreamingReplicatedPostgresqlContainer`` aborts execution if master promotion failed with exception
- Enhancement: dangling volumes removal as default option of ``Container.delete()``



- Fix: ``StreamingReplicatedPostgresqlContainer``: do not promote host without data as new master if there is another host with DB exists
- Enhancement: ``docker.Container``: added `safe_options` property which contains safe options; multiple containers with such options on the same host will not conflict



- Change: add `--interactive` option every time when `--tty` has been used
- Enhancement: custom name can be assigned to the infrastructure
- Enhancement: ``PostgresqlContainer`` can be updated without new container creation if only configs were changed
- Enhancement: added ``StreamingReplicatedPostgresqlContainer`` which supports master-slave configuration deployment (`72`_)
- Enhancement: added `example and recipes`_

.. _72: https://github.com/renskiy/fabricio/issues/72
.. _example and recipes: examples/



- Fix: set default env.infrastructure at the very first time
- Change: ``fabricio.run()`` use current host (instead of current infrastructure) to generate cache key
- Change: ``DjangoContainer`` doesn't call ``backup()`` before applying migrations now
- Change: ``PostgresqlContainer`` doesn't contain ``PostgresqlBackupMixin`` now
- Enhancement: use ``remote_tunnel`` only if registry hostname is IP or alias of the remote host itself (`66`_)
- Enhancement: image, options and other container attributes now can be passed to the ``Container`` upon initialization

.. _66: https://github.com/renskiy/fabricio/issues/66

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